Page 21 of Ghost

“The girl did it.” I nodded behind me towards the steps.

A shit-eating grin took over Pop’s face as his eyes went past me. I turned following his gaze to see Rae standing at the top of the steps with Payton perched on her hip.

“How ya doing, darlin’?” My eyes bounced between my old man and Rae, something shifting in my chest when she smiled sweetly at him.

“Doing good, Pop. Little Miss woke up in a good mood, but she’ll be ready to eat soon.” My father was a hard man, but it seemed the little nanny had wormed her way into his affections.

“Grab what you need for a few days and let’s head out,” he gently demanded.

Her eyes jumped to me in question. I liked that she was looking to me for guidance when it came to my daughter. I nodded.

“Sure.” Her head bobbed as she shifted Payton against her hip and walked back into the nursery.

It took longer than I expected to gather Payton’s things. "Got everything you need?" Pop asked, eyeing the bags by the door. Rae set down a dark green duffle and a backpack with Payton's name on it.

"Everything that matters,” I said, grabbing the bags, slinging them over my shoulder, and taking them down to the truck. When I came back up, Rae had Payton buckled into her carrier.

“That it, babe?” I turned around and slowly lifted a brow at Kane. Babe? The fuck was he calling her babe for? Pop covered his mouth to hide his amusement while Kane’s eyes lit up. They were getting a kick out of fucking with me.

“We can come back if we forgot something,” I offered. Rae glanced around the room again and nodded her head. She wasn’t happy about getting Payton out in the cold. She thought it was a bad idea, and maybe she was right, but with the power out we would be safer with the club. She hadn’t pushed back about the change in plans and for that I was grateful.

“You’re right.” Her eyes went to the fireplace where the coals were still hot. My lips twitched. I had a feeling she was worried about the loft burning down.

“I’ll send a prospect back to make sure it’s all the way out.”

Her shoulders deflated. “Thanks.” She was genuinely relieved, and I got the feeling there was a story there.

“You ready?” I asked, lifting the car seat in one hand and grabbing onto Rae’s hand with the other. I knew I was making a statement, but I couldn’t be bothered to care.

“Um,” her eyes dropped to her hand in mine, then shot back up, “Yeah.”


The sooner we got to the clubhouse, the sooner I would start planning how to take down the guards who’d made my life hell while I was locked up.

It took almost fifteen minutes to make it across the lot and into the building.

Out of nowhere, Daisy came barreling across the room. Her bleached blonde hair a matted mess and red lipstick smeared across her mouth like she'd been rode hard and put up wet. “You’re here!” she cried out, her arms going around my neck and her tits bouncing up and down against my chest as she jumped around excitedly.

“Fuck.” White-hot pain shot across my ribs.

“Ghosty! I missed you so much,” Daisy cooed.

My focus snapped to Rae whose eyes were narrowed on the club whore.

She was jealous.

“What's wrong, baby? You don't wanna say hi?” Daisy’s bottom lip started to quiver, and I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

“I just got here, calm the fuck down.”

Daisy’s eyes flashed with hurt. “Calm the fuck down? What the hell, Ghost? You used to love coming home to me.”

“Easy, D,” I warned, setting her aside. “Don’t start being a bitch like you’ve got some claim on my dick.”

She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest as she shot Rae a dirty look. Daisy was a bimbo, sure, but the bitch could scrap.

Unflinching, Rae lifted a brow in challenge. She wasn’t impressed and looked Daisy over like she was no better than shit on her boot.