Page 31 of Banner

“We’rewalkingthrough the Bronx.”My eyes widen.I hadn’t thought about that.I just wanted to surprise Banner with some lunch.

“I… but Hunter’s with us.”I point over my shoulder.Plus, there are people everywhere, going about their business.Nobody’s paying any attention to us.

Nova shrugs her shoulder, and I can hear Hunter growl.If they didn’t fight like brother and sister, I’d seriously start to wonder if they secretly had a thing for each other.I look over my shoulder expecting the boogeyman to jump out, Nova’s comment has put me on edge.Turning back to focus the sidewalk in front of me, I eye everyone suspiciously.I’ve got a baby in my care, and someone did just burn down my shop.God, what was I thinking bringing us out here without more protection?Things have been happening to the club for weeks, of course, Banner’s kept most of the details from me.‘Club business,’ is what he always says whenever I ask.I take a deep breath and try to push the worry out of my mind.We’re only a few blocks from the warehouse.We’ll be fine.

We make it two blocks when, in rapid succession, Ivan emerges from the alley in front of us with two of his goons and more of his men step out from in between the cars parked on the street.

“Run, Nova!”I grip the stroller with both hands and whip around only to stop short when the biggest man I’ve ever seen pistol-whips Hunter in the back of his head.He doesn’t see it coming and hits the ground like a lead weight.Nova positions herself in front of the stroller as a layer of protection for my sleeping niece.

“Only a coward would ambush two women and a baby!”Nova hisses.

“Shut your mouth, girl!”Ivan growls.If looks could kill, we’d be done for.I slip around the side of the stroller and quickly unfasten the safety belt.I lift Payton into my arms and look around for an escape route.The entrance to the subway is less than ten feet away.

“Come with me and nobody else has to get hurt.”I freeze.

“No, Sophia!”I look at Nova and then down at Hunter’s prone body.I can’t let anyone else get hurt.

I turn toward my ex-fiancé.“Give me your word that you’ll let them go.”

“I’m not making deals, Sophia.Get the fuck over here or I’ll shoot your friend.”He means it.

“Please, Sophia,” Nova begs, her eyes pleading with me not to do it.

I give her a watery smile and move to hand her Payton when she shakes her head and lunges.She catches the big brute off guard, and he trips over his own feet onto the ground.

“Run!”Nova screams.

Instinctually I tighten my hold on Payton and my heart drops when she squawks her displeasure.“Sorry, baby girl,” I say, dodging the grabby hands of Ivan’s goon that’s on the ground.We dart down into the subway taking the stairs two at a time to put distance between us and the Russians.Nova frantically pats down her pockets as we approach the turnstile.

“We’ll have to jump over it,” she breathes, looking over her shoulder.Without breaking stride, she hops onto the top of the barrier and slides across to the other side.I hand Payton over and Nova’s eyes widen at something behind me.

“Hurry!”she screams.

I grip the top of the machine and heft myself up, just as someone behind me grabs my hair and pulls hard.Flailing backward, I land with a thud.I toss my hair out of my face and look up into the rage-filled face of Ivan’s giant.I look behind him at Nova’s horrified expression and yell.“Go!”

“Stupid bitch.”I look back at the giant as he lets his fist fly.Pain explodes against the side of my head for a split second before everything goes dark.



“M.E.R.C.E.D.E.S.”I hit enter and lean back in my chair.This is the part of the job that blows.The DMV is still living in the Stone Age, and it takes for-fucking-ever for the vehicle list to populate.We could bypass this shit all together, but we have a code.We don’t boost in our own backyard, and we don’t hit single parents.Everyone else is fair game since we only pick off luxury and classics from assholes on the repo man’s hit list.We’re doing them a fucking favor.

“Yo, Boss.Your pop’s on line two,” someone from downstairs yells as the list starts to generate locations.

With my eyes trained on the screen, I lift the handset and press it to my ear.“You got me.”

“How’s the butterball feeling?”My brows furrow.

“The fuck you talking about, old man?”

“Payton.She was running a little bit of a fever this morning and Sophia offered to keep her so I could get some shit done at the clubhouse.”

“Damn.I haven’t talked to Mouse since I left the house this morning.You’ll have to ring her.”

“Hunter sent me a message that they were on their way to see you about an hour ago.Maybe they got hung up.”Maybe, but Hunter’s been going above and beyond to keep me and Pop in the loop when the girls are in between locations.If they stopped off somewhere, he’d have let one of us know.

“Let me give Hunter a ring, and I’ll call you back.”I disconnect before he can reply and dial Hunter’s number.