It feels like hours, but in reality, it’s probably only a handful of minutes until we hear the thunderous sound of Harleys racing toward us.Broken shards of glass and wood shimmy and shake across the floor from the vibrations and the sound grows impossibly louder until all of a sudden everything just stops.The silence is almost deafening but it’s quickly overtaken by the sound of my husband’s frantic voice.
My fingers fumble with the lock for half a second before the mechanism releases and I yank the door open.“I’m here!”I shout slipping and sliding on broken glass as I dart out into the shop.Banner’s head whips around in my direction and his eyes lock onto mine.I keep moving in his direction as he scans me from head to toe.I’m sure he’s freaking out considering the state of my shop.I can’t fault him there.
“Thank fuck you’re okay,” he says as he holsters his gun and opens his arms just in time for me to face-plant against his chest.My eyes close as Banner wraps his arms around my back and pulls me deeper into his body.
My body sags in relief.This is my safe place.
“I’m okay,” I whisper when I feel his body trembling under my touch.My big strong husband was afraid for me.
“You could have been killed,” he rasped.
“Hey.”I tip my head back and see the fear in his eyes.“I’m okay,” I assure him.Everything that was destroyed can be replaced.
Nova peeks around the office doorway.“Where’s Hunter?Did he catch whoever did this?”
Banner shakes his head.“Whoever did this was gone by the time he made it outside.I’ve got Dragon checking all the cameras in the area right now and once he finds something, I’ll handle it.”Nova nods her head, unaffected by what my husband is hinting at.I don’t want to know what ‘handle it’ means so I’ll pretend like I didn’t hear him make the threat.
“Let’s get you girls out of here.”
“That sounds like a good idea,” Nova says, reaching for my hand.I take it and squeeze it as we follow Banner out the door.
* * *
“Are you sure you’re, okay?”Banner asks, for the umpteenth time since he swept into my shop like my dark avenger.I roll my head in his direction and my heart warms.He takes his eyes off the road for a second to look at me, and it’s at this moment that I realize how much I love him.
“I’m okay, honey.”It’s the truth.We’re all safe and that’s what matters.The shop can be repaired.
He glances back at me and nods when he sees the sincerity in my eyes.I smile softly and reach over, placing my hand on his leg.Taking one hand off the wheel, he links his fingers with mine then lifts our joined hands to touch his lips to my knuckles.The rumors about my husband may be true, but I’ve yet to see him treat the people he loves with nothing but respect and care.If we weren’t at odds, I’d send my brother a gift to thank him for arranging my marriage.
“Are we expecting company?”Two bikers are carrying boxes out of our house.
“Pop is taking Payton to Ghost’s house today.I meant to tell you earlier, but it slipped my mind.”Something in my heart shifts.I’ve grown quite fond of having Payton and Pop around.Truthfully, I think caring for her triggered a mild case of baby fever and not just in myself.I’ve noticed the way Banner watches me when I’m holding her.There’s a longing there that mirrors my own.
Banner parks his car in front of the brownstone and comes around to my door to help me out.When we step inside, Pop is standing there holding Payton in his arms.To say he’s over the moon about his granddaughter is an understatement.He’s been nothing short of amazing with her.“You’re a good one, Pop,” I say as Banner releases my hand.Carefully, Pop transfers Payton into my arms and I cuddle her close.Banner steps in beside me and wraps his arm around my waist.“I can’t get over her beautiful blue eyes.”
“Wait until you meet my brother.She’s the spitting image of her daddy.”I smile down at the sleeping angel in my arms.I’ve seen pictures of Bishop and they do look alike.I can’t bring myself to call Banner’s brother Ghost.
“When are you two going to give me a grandchild?”My cheeks heat and Pop grins.
“Soon,” Banner answers.My body sinks deeper into his side, and he gives my waist a squeeze.
“I got some news earlier about Payton’s mother.”Banner and I look at Pop for him to continue.“She’s in jail.Brought in on prostitution and drug trafficking charges.My source tells me she was using too.”
Anger like I’ve never felt before surges through my veins.How could anyone leave their child on the doorstep of a complete stranger and just take off?
I kiss the top of Payton’s head and whisper against her downy soft locks, “We’re your family little one and we’ll keep you safe.”
“That goes for you too, darlin’.”I hit the jackpot with my father-in-law.He’s been my biggest supporter since Banner and I married.
“Thank you, Pop.”
A grunt is his reply.
“We need to head out.”
I give Payton another cuddle then put her in her carrier and buckle her in.Pop grabs it and Banner and I follow him to the door.