Page 21 of Banner

Ronan hones in on Sophia’s reaction to the news and frowns.I’m glad to see he’s put off by her reaction almost as much as I am because I’m going to need all the allies I can get for what I’m planning.

Ronan turns his stormy gaze to mine and nods—a silent show of support.

I nod back, showing my respect.

Thank fuck.



One Week Later

The bell above the door jingles as I step inside the shop.Nova scribbles something on a pad of paper then looks up and freezes.Her eyes dart from me to the huge guy standing behind me, then back to me and her mouth falls open.I know the feeling.When he showed up this morning and Banner introduced him as my shadow, I almost fell on my butt.Hunter’s gorgeous, but in a scary-as-hell kind of way.He’s completely covered in tattoos, but after sneaking glances all morning, I noticed his artwork covers some pretty extensive scarring.Turning my attention back to Nova, I lift a hand and smile sheepishly.“Hi.”

Her eyes narrow, but there’s not an ounce of heat behind them.“Where have you been?I’ve been worried sick about you!”she hisses as she storms around the counter in our direction.When her arms wrap around me, I deflate.I pat her back, feeling like the worst friend for not checking in with her sooner.

“I’m sorry I worried you.I’m fine, though.”Her head bobs up and down before finally she leans back and holds me at arm’s length to look me over.

“I thought…” She squeezes her eyes closed.“Don’t do that to me again.”

“I promise.”I want to make a joke about the next time my brother arranges my marriage, but I think it’s too soon.

“Good.”She sighs and relaxes.

Her eyes drift over my shoulder then come back to mine again.“I see you’ve got a lot to catch me up on.”

“You don’t even know the half of it.”I’m not sure how much I’m allowed to say so I veer toward making introductions.“Nova,” I turn around to face my guard and wrap my arm around my best friend.“This is Hunter.He’ll be watching over us for a while.Hunter, this firecracker is my best friend, Nova.”

“Ma’am,” he says, voice deep and smooth.

Nova’s brows shoot up to her hairline.My lips twitch.I had the same reaction the first time he spoke to me too.“Uh.Hi,” she says breathily.

I turn my bestie around and lead her into the back.It’s hard to believe it’s only been a week since I was here last.So much has happened but not for the worse, surprisingly.If I’m being honest, it’s turned out so much better than I ever could have dreamed.

“I’m going to check the perimeter, Mrs.St.James.”I look over my shoulder at Hunter and can see the shadows playing behind his eyes.He’s not much older than me, but there’s no denying he’s a man who’s lived through nightmares beyond his years.

I smile softly.“Okay.I’ll stay right here.”I pat the large stainless steel table in front of me.

He nods his head, then disappears out of the front door.

Once the telltale chime of the bell ends, signaling his departure, Nova pins me with a look that demands I tell her everything that’s happened.

So… That’s exactly what I do.

I don’t skimp on the details, either.Explaining how Banner has been true to his word and hasn’t restricted my freedom or tried to lock me down like a prisoner.I go on to tell her that with the threat of Ivan still surrounding us, he’s insisted one of the club’s prospects shadow me when he can’t be around.Her eyes are the size of saucers by the time I’m done telling her everything.

“Wow, Soph.That’s…” She swings her head back and forth and for the first time in maybe forever, my bestie is lost for words.

“I know,” I agree.My life’s been one crazy episode after another the last couple of weeks.

“I’m glad you’re back.”

“Me too—” Before I can apologize for leaving her in the trenches alone this week, the bell on the door up front jingles and that’s our cue it’s time to get to work.

* * *

The rumble of motorcycles can be heard off in the distance and quickly grows louder until finally, the sound has all the windows in the house rattling in their frames.There are a few revved engines and then nothing—complete silence.My lips twitch.