Page 16 of Banner

“Sophia,” I breathe out heavily.Just because we’re married doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have a choice.As similar as our worlds appear, they’re vastly different.We don’t barter our women away to the highest bidder.“I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want—married or not.”

“I’m sorry.”She bows her head.There’s nothing for her to be embarrassed about.

I tilt her face to mine so I can see her pretty, hazel eyes.“Don’t apologize, babe.You’re always safe with me.”

I’ve never given a damn about women; one was just as good as another, but I’m finding there’s something special about Sophia.

“I know.”

Attempting to prove that she has choices, I leave her standing in her panties and head into the shower.

She watches me for a split second before kicking off her panties and climbing in behind me.


“I trust you,” she says softly as she her innocent brown eyes lift to mine.

Grinning down at her, I lift my hands and gently cup the sides of her neck.Her skin feels like silk beneath my thumbs as they trace the apples of her cheeks."Thank you.That means a lot to me.”I feel like we’ve bridged a monumental gap with her admission.

Sophia grins back.

“Let me rinse off and I’ll grab your stuff from the bedroom,” I say, and her smile widens.

Placing a kiss on the tip of her nose, I make quick work of finishing my shower and return with her toiletries, then head back into the bedroom so she can have some privacy.

I fall into bed and situate the covers around my hips then set about checking my phone.

Just as I’m about to hit send on a text to Dragon, Sophia comes sauntering out of the bathroom without a stitch of clothing on and her hair in a sleek braid.


The sway of her hips is hypnotizing but I pull it together and lift the covers for her to slide in next to me.

Watching me, she settles in and tucks her hands under her cheek “You’re not what I expected,” she says softly.

Lifting a brow, I smirk.“Is that a good thing?”

She moves her head up and down on the pillow.


Truthfully, she’s not what I expected either.

“Get some sleep, Sophia.You have nothing to fear here,” I say around a yawn.

Her lips form a soft smile as her eyes close.Like a creep, I watch her find sleep and it hits me.

I want this marriage to work.



Laying perfectly still, I wait for the edges of sleep to fade and my surroundings to register.The first clue thatI’m not in Kansas anymoreis the bulging bicep under my cheek.Then, there are the softest sheets on the planet wrapped around my naked body.None of these are things I’d find in my cozy loft.I liked nice things, but I didn’t like to splurge on unnecessary stuff.

Blinking away the fog, I tip my head upward and freeze; my new reality hits me like a wrecking ball.

Banner—The Butcher—My husband.