Beer spews out of my mouth.“Are you off your fucking rocker?I don't even know this girl, and sheisa girl.Way too fucking young for someone my age.”
“In case you missed it, Banner.We ain't fucking Boy Scouts.We live by our own rules.If you want the girl, keep the girl and fuck what anyone else thinks.”Speechless, I watch as he drains the dregs of his beer and takes off down the hall toward his room.
If you want the girl, keep the girl.
He's right, I don't give a damn what anyone thinks and for now, I want the girl.
* * *
Ryker's Island
I’ve been selfishly putting off coming here, but the loud buzz before the metal door slides open reminds me of where my priorities need to be— here, getting my brother out of this fucking place.
“St.James,” the guard calls out my name, and I walk through.He points to the stool at the end of the row, and I move that way.Sitting down in front of the glass partition, I wait impatiently for my brother to appear and sag in relief when he finally does.I scan his person, glad to see he's no worse for wear.
He nods his head in greeting and takes a seat, lifting the phone to his ear.
“How are you holding up?”I ask after doing the same.
“Catching up on my beauty sleep.”I snort.Ghost's always been a cocky fucker.
“Bianchi's working to get you out, but I have news.”I know how my brother feels about women.He’s been burned a time or ten and has zero trust left in them.
He lifts a brow and waves his hand for me to get on with it.“I’m getting married.”
“Married?That code for something, brother, ‘cause I don't know what the fuck you're talking about?”
“No code.”I shake my head.“Ivan wanted Alessio's sister because she owns property near the docks.I'm making it so he can't have the girl or the warehouse.”
“What does he want the warehouse for?”
“We don’t know.”I blow out a breath, hating there are so many unanswered fucking questions.“While we’re on the topic of things we don’t know.You recognize this guy?”I open the photo of the cop on my phone and press it to the glass.He squints at the picture.
“He looks familiar, but fuck if I know from where.Tell me more about the wife.”
“Don’t know shit about the girl other than her family has fucked her.She’s different from the women we’re used to.She’s timid, sweet, obedient.”Her fire hasn’t been completely extinguished.I saw a hint of the flames hiding in her eyes, begging to be fanned.
“Good,” Ghost grunts.That wasn't what I expected him to say, but I'll take it.
“I came to warn you to watch your back.Once he finds out, he's going to look to strike back and you're a sitting duck in here.”Attacking my brother now would be the worst mistake Ivan could make.He doesn't know it yet, but his days are already numbered.
“I’ll talk to Pyro about protection.”That was good.Pyro and I went way back, and he's always been a friend to the club.Even serving a life sentence he was one of the Brooklyn Disciple's most feared shot callers.“Anything else?"
“Unfortunately, no.That's all I have,” I confirm.
“Right.Tell Bianchi to hurry it the fuck up.”Ghost hangs up the receiver and nods at the guard that he's done.
As I watch the retreating form of my younger brother, I feel the urge to yell for him to be careful, but I know I can't.He can't show weakness in a place like this.It's too dangerous.
“Godspeed,” I mutter to myself as I rise from the stool and hang up the phone.
Finished dwelling on the things I can't do anything about, I head for the exit and try to focus on the things I can control.
I got a wedding to get ready for.