Page 93 of Wicche Hunt

“Let me check something first.” I pulled out my phone and dialed my aunt Hester.

“Hello, Arwyn. Guess where I am?” she said.

“Where?” I was so happy to hear the light in her voice.

“I’m playing with the neighbor’s dog. I was helping Mitchell, the neighbor, in the garden all day and when he mentioned he had a date, I volunteered to babysit his daughter Emma and their German Shephard Mark.”

“The dog’s name is Mark?” I loved that.

“I know.” She laughed. “It tickles me every time I call him. Come on. Let’s go in.” The background sounds changed. “I already put Emma to bed, but I was giving Mark some exercise and throwing the ball for him. So, how are you?”

“I’m okay. Can I ask you a question about Pearl, though?”

“Oh. Of course.” Her voice lost its lilt.

“Did she ever attend Cypress Academy?”

“Yes, but only for a semester. It was the beginning of sixth grade. Your uncle said it was an excellent school and wanted her there, even though it was mind-numbingly expensive. She hated it. The students were cruel. She was so smart, though, she was in advanced classes with older students. There was one boy in particular who wouldn’t leave her alone. He scared her. It caused a huge fight, but I took her out and got her away from those people.” She paused. “Why do you ask?”

I considered whether it was okay to tell her and decided those secrecy rules didn’t apply to me, as I wasn’t a cop. “I had a vision.”

Hernández gestured to stop me, but Osso shook his head at her.

“I believe that boy who harassed her at Cypress Academy is the one who killed her.”

“What?” Her voice caught. “But they were children. Why would he do that?” I could hear the tears, but she deserved to know.

“Because he’s a sociopath and a narcissist. She caught him cheating off her paper and told the teacher. That was it. But it was enough for him to never let it go.”

“I don’t understand.”

“That’s because you’re nothing like him. I’m with the detectives now. I hate having to upset you, especially when Mark was making you happy, but I needed to make sure what I saw was correct. I didn’t remember ever hearing that Pearl had attended Cypress.”

It took her a moment to speak. “I want to know. Even if it upsets me, I want to know. And I’m glad the detectives are there and can find him now. Can you tell me when he’s caught?”

“I will,” I said.

“I’m not sure if Mark is allowed on furniture, but he just crawled up to comfort me, so I’m letting him stay.”

“Can you put Mark on the phone for me?”

Hester released a breath. Her voice was distant when she said, “Go ahead.”

“Good boy.”

She chuckled. “Whatever you said got his tail wagging.”

“I’m sorry to bring darkness into your evening. I—”

She cut me off. “That wasn’t you. That was him. You’re the one who’s going to get justice for my girl. And tears are all right. I have Mark here to keep me company.”

“Okay. Remember to come by anytime for a muffin and tea.”

“I will.” She sniffed.

“Good night.”

I blew out a breath as I disconnected. “Pearl attended Cypress for the first semester of sixth grade. You heard what I told her. She turned him in for cheating. He waited over ten years and then killed her for it.”