Page 78 of Bewicched

Sometime later, we heard, “Kee-ryst, would you look at this.” Again, we stopped and stared at each other. This time, though, Declan’s hand was up the front of my top, cradling my breast. It was nice. My left boob totally wanted to make friends. He hugged me to him, grabbed my ass, and then blew out a breath.

“You’re killing me, Ursula.” He untied the flannel shirt from around his waist and then put it on. Untucked.

“Phil,” he called. “I’ll let you in the front door.”

After he left, I used my scooper to make perfect cookie balls, filling up baking sheets. I put them in the oven and started another timer before going out to talk with Phil and the guys. Declan had already filled him in on the fire and they’d begun to discuss what needed to be done.

“Ms. Corey, we’ll check, but we’re probably going to need to tear out part of the roof, replace any burned timbers, and then re-tile. Have you called the fire department yet? You’ll need their report to submit to your insurance.”

I nodded, only half listening. The asshole who set that fire not only almost burned down my home, they’d also created chaos and headaches and expense. What was the point? I’d originally thought it was retaliation for eavesdropping on Dave’s conversation with the demon, but now I wasn’t so sure. The sorcerer, or someone the demon possessed like the nurse, had come over here with gasoline. They’d sprayed it around and lit a match. Timing wise, though, it couldn’t have been in retaliation. Most people don’t have full gas cans lying around for arson emergencies.

So, was it planned? No one would have guessed we’d be in a hospital room after hours, after midnight. Was the plan to kill me in the inferno? Was that the goal?

“Ms. Corey?”

“Sorry, Phil.” I shook my head, annoyed with myself. “I’m a little out of it today. What did you ask?”

“We’re discussing how safe this building is.” He scratched his forehead. “We also have another big job starting when this one was supposed to end, so I’ve got some rearranging to do. I don’t want to leave you with no back wall or roof, but…” He rubbed his fingers over his mouth. “Could you maybe live somewhere else for a while?”

“Yes,” Declan said just as I said, “No.”

“I’ll call the fire department,” I said. “I’m pretty sure I have an uncle who’s a firefighter. Doesn’t matter; I’ll get that started. We don’t need to wait six months for insurance. I can pay for your work while I wait for the check.”

Phil let out a relieved breath. “Okay, well, that’s good. Uh, Declan said most of the piers looked okay. There was minimal damage, which is great. He can get started rebuilding right away.” He turned to Declan. “I can call in a lumber order.”

Declan nodded.

“Okay. I’m going to climb up on the roof and see what we’re dealing with,” Phil said.

“Oh,” I began, not sure how to phrase it. Phil was in his late fifties, early sixties. He should not be climbing around a peaked roof like a mountain goat.

“I can do that, boss,” Declan cut in.

Phil looked relieved but said, “You’ll be building a deck.”

“Not yet, and I won’t be working on the roof, just giving a damage assessment.”

If I hadn’t already wanted to jump him, that would have done it. He was letting Phil save face while still getting the job done.

“Well, okay, but be careful up there.”

“I will. I’ll be fine.” He walked toward the front door. “I’ll grab the big ladder from your truck and then go around the side to hop on.”

When he opened the door, Detectives Osso and Hernández were standing on the porch.

“Jeez, don’t you two sleep?” I asked.

They stepped in as Declan went out. “We could ask you the same,” Osso responded.

The alarm on my phone went off. “Come on back. I had a feeling you might be visiting today.”

“What am I smelling?” Detective Osso asked, sniffing the air.


Never Get Between a Bear and His Honey

“Let me just get this taken care of and we can talk.” I pulled out the baking sheets and lined them up on the stove top, then I began to fill my second set of baking sheets. “Detective Osso, do you prefer your cookies chewy or crisp?”