Page 44 of Bewicched

John: I’m on my way right now

Me: Thanks

Eventually, I heard the hospital room door open. Shit. If this was someone sent to finish off Sylvia, I had to get in there. I was just getting onto my hands and knees when the bathroom door pushed open a few inches.


“Oh, thank goodness.” I was listing to the left again when Declan pulled me to my feet and kept an arm wrapped around me so I didn’t fall. My legs were shaky, but I could lean well enough.

“Can you walk or should I carry you?”

I looked up at the concern in his voice. He really did have very kind brown eyes. “Can you hold on to me while I use the sink?”

He shuffled me over and then wrapped both arms around my middle. I did my glove shuffle, leaning forward and turning on the tap, letting the cool water run over my hands. When I brought them to my face, I let out a sigh. The throbbing in my head, while still painful, was no longer debilitating. I let my head fall back against his chest and just breathed.


Nodding, I tapped his arm. “I think I can stand now.”

He let go but kept both hands hovering by my sides, ready to grab me if I started to go down, which I appreciated.

I put my gloves back on and opened the bathroom door. Uncle John was leaning over the bed, gently kissing Sylvia.

“Hi.” This was going to look mighty odd.

John glanced over. The smile that had appeared at my greeting disappeared when he saw who was standing behind me.

John stared a moment too long, during which I was sure he was checking Declan’s aura. “Wolf?”

I walked unsteadily toward John, still listing to the left, and then Declan was there, holding my elbow, keeping me upright and pointed in the right direction.

When I got to John, he hugged me while Declan moved to stand against a wall, ready to help but trying not to intrude.

John whispered, “Did you read her?”

I nodded. “That’s why I was sick in the bathroom. First, though, this is Declan. He’s a wolf, yes, but also a good man who’s my friend.”

Declan stood a little taller.

“And, Declan, this is Sylvia’s husband, my Uncle John.”

The men nodded to one another, neither comfortable.

I turned to Declan, still holding on to John. “Would you mind waiting for me in the hall? I need to speak with my uncle for a minute.”

He nodded once more and then left. I knew he’d hear everything we said, but I doubted John did. As Mom had mentioned earlier, we didn’t associate with the wolves, especially after Aunt Bridget married one and everything went to hell.

“How are you really doing?” I asked.

His expression crumpled. “What are we going to do? I can’t find anything wrong with her. I don’t know how to heal her.”

Sylvia and John were two of the kindest people I’d ever met in my life. I’d accuse myself of sorcery before either of them. I whispered in his ear, “We have a sorcerer in the family.”

He jolted in shock, shaking his head. “No. Not another one.”

“I held her hand. It’s true.”

He took my gloved hand in his. “You saw?”