Page 54 of Fatal Temptation

“Sir? It’s Davis.”

“Davis? What are you doing at MPD?”

“The mole was here. I just need Holland to tell me the name and we’ll have them,” he said, a spark of hope coming through in his voice.

“Put him the fuck back on, then.”

A smile pulled at his lips as he handed the phone back to Holland. Whatever Edmunds was telling Holland, it had him sitting ramrod straight, his words consisting of onlyyesandsir.

Holland hung up and turned slowly to Lucas, his expression shuttered.

“Agent Enesco,” he said.

Lucas clenched his jaw tight.

“I’m gonna need you to show me whatever footage you have of them.”

Holland got up and said, “We’ll need to go to IT, then.”

He followed Holland across the bullpen to the elevator, getting in and watching Holland press the button for the basement.

“Why do you need the footage?”

“Because Enesco was killed in the line of duty three months ago.”

Anger crossed Holland’s face and Lucas couldn’t blame him. The man had been used. He’d unwittingly aided a criminal.

Holland gave Lucas a swift nod just before the elevator stopped on their floor then led the way to the in-house IT department and talked to one of the techs, and then they waited for him to pull up the footage of the agent.

“Here it is,” the tech said.

Lucas turned his gaze on the screen and felt his heart drop.

“No,” he breathed, the betrayal burning bright inside him.



LUCAS HAD left an hour ago, rushing out the door with a thundercloud above his head. There was an arrest warrant out on him, so he understood Lucas’ anger though he didn’t like the man rushing off seeing as there were dangerous people who wanted him dead.

He was left to his own devices as all the others were gone, too. Left with his own thoughts. So much had happened over the past few weeks. He could barely believe it. He’d gone from having a drink with Maggie to being arrested to calling Lucas in a few short hours. He’d never truly thought Lucas would look at him as anything more than that kid he’d saved and now? They were together. Lucas loved him. He loved Lucas. When they were alone he could almost forget everything else that was going on, but Lucas wasn’t there with him now.

It was almost as if fate wanted to pull them away from each other.

He wasn’t going to take that lying down, though, and he knew Lucas wouldn’t either. He was prepared to fight. He wasn’t about to give up on them no matter what was thrown at them and besides, he had faith in Chris, Diesel, and Lucas. They would work all of this out and hopefully, no one would get hurt except for those traffickers. Those bastards deserved all the hurt in the world.

He groaned when he heard the doorbell ring but dragged his body off the couch to see who it was. He figured he was safe to open the door because he doubted the mole or double agent would bother knocking.

He opened the door just enough to look out.


A woman was standing there. She looked put together with her blonde hair pulled back in a tight ponytail and wearing a black pantsuit. It wasn’t exactly a surprise considering the FBI badge she showed him. He didn’t think it was a coincidence that there was an agent at this door asking for him.


“Hi,” the agent said, smiling warmly at him. “I’m Gemma. I work with Lucas.”