Page 45 of Fatal Temptation

“A trafficking ring,” he said, throat closing up at the haunted look entering Akio’s eyes. “It was… It used to be Yokota’s ring.”

Diesel’s nose flared as he sucked in a breath. “The fuck do you mean?”

“One of his men took over after…” Akio trailed off and Lucas understood him not wanting to say the words. He wasn’t sure how much Maggie knew anyway but what she had seen and heard already wasn’t exactly good for any of them. Then again, shewasseeing the vice president of an outlaw motorcycle club. He figured she would keep her mouth shut. If not for her own sake, then for Akio’s.

“Do you know who?”

“We’d been trying to figure that out for years. It took Akio to identify him,” Lucas said, fully expecting the ire in the glare Diesel gave him. “His name is Daichi Kuroki.”

Diesel went completely still, his eyes taking on an unseeing look.

“You knew him?” Chris asked, hand on his husband’s arm.

Diesel nodded almost absentmindedly. “He was the son of Yokota’s right-hand man. We… we spent a lot of time together as kids.”

The silence that ensued felt like it was starting to choke him.

“I should call my ASAC. Let him know what happened.”

He didn’t much like being considered a fugitive or whatever else they might label him once they got news of the bodies at his apartment.

“Here.” Chris handed him a phone. “It’s untraceable.”


He walked out onto the patio, resting his elbows on the railing as he ran his gaze across the green backyard, the trees wide and tall. There was a lounge area with a big couch and a brick fireplace. It was…nice. Not exactly what he expected from Ryder but, then again, he’d learned four years ago that criminals weren’t always what they seemed.

He called Edmunds’ private phone and tried not to hold his breath as he listened to the dial tone.


“It’s Davis,” he said, trying to keep his emotions out of his voice. “Kuroki’s men attacked me in my home.”

“Fucking hell, Davis.” Edmunds was silent for a second, some rustling of clothes coming through the phone. “Yeah, we heard about the shootout. Thought I was gonna find your body there.”

“I’m good.”

“Alright. Why don’t you meet me at my office?”

“I… can’t.”

“What the hell do you mean?”

He could hear the mistrust seeping into Edmunds’ voice, and he couldn’t blame the man.

“They knew where I lived, Edmunds. Someone told them.”

“You think…? Fuck.”

“I’m not going anywhere near the field office. Not while someone’s trying to kill me.”

He heard a groan and then what sounded like Edmunds’ dropping into a chair.

“I hear you, Davis. I’ll see if I can plug the leak from this side. Do me a favor, though? Look into it, too?”

He had to swallow against the lump of emotion clogging his throat. “You’re trusting me?”

“Davis… I’ve seen you with our victims. There’s no fucking way you’d ever be on the opposite side of this. So, yes, I trust you.”