Page 43 of Fatal Temptation

“Probably,” Lucas said and turned his gaze on Diesel. “You can go back to breaking my jaw once we’re safe.”

Diesel was still for a moment before he nodded, giving Chris a look that made him let go of him. Diesel kept his eyes on Lucas as he walked to Akio and wrapped a hand around his upper arm.

“Let’s go,” Diesel barked, tugging Akio with him toward the front door.



HIS JAW hurt like hell though not as much as the disappointment and betrayal he’d seen in Diesel’s eyes. He hadn’t entered into a relationship with Akio with the intent of hurting anyone, but he’d known Chris and Diesel would take it as such. He hated Diesel’s comparison between Chris and Akio. He hadn’t tried to take Chris from Diesel four years ago. He’d thought Chris was single and he’d wanted a second chance with him. Diesel made it sound like he was only after sex but that couldn’t be further from the truth. He’d loved Akio long before he’d become attracted to him.

He was following Diesel and Akio down the stairs, Chris close behind him, and he wasn’t surprised when he felt a hand on his shoulder and was brought to a stop. He spared a glance toward Akio before turning to meet Chris’ scrutinizing gaze.

He could see the conflicted feelings in the man’s gray eyes. It couldn’t be easy for Chris, either. The man he’d once promised to marry was involved with the man he considered a son. It was one hell of a messy situation. Should he have known better? Should he have stayed away from Akio? Probably. The only problem with that was that he didn’t want to. He wanted to be with Akio. He wanted to be the one who made him laugh. The one who brought him pleasure and made him feel loved and needed. The one who made him feel whole.

“What are you doing?” Chris asked, his voice low but sharp. “Please tell me it’s real and not some stupid…”

Lucas licked his lips and nodded.

“It’s real. I love him, Chris.”

Chris’ eyes widened and for a heartbeat or two, he didn’t move at all, stunned by Lucas’ words.

“I once told you I made a mistake in choosing the Bureau over you,” he said, grabbing Chris’ hand to squeeze it in apology, “I don’t think I did. You might not have found Diesel. You might’ve gotten yourself killed trying to find your brother’s killer because you wouldn’t have had Diesel.”

Chris’ jaw clenched and unclenched though he didn’t say a word.

“I know this might hurt to hear, but I will never choose the Bureau over Akio.”

They stared at each other for what felt like minutes but was likely only seconds considering Diesel hadn’t come back for them yet.

“Good,” Chris said with a sharp nod and started walking again, moving ahead of Lucas down the stairs.

They didn’t find Akio and Diesel until they stepped out of the building and into the parking lot. There were two bikes parked in front of his car. Diesel stood with a helmet in one hand while he talked to Akio who shook his head, glancing up to catch Lucas’ gaze.

Relief spread on Akio’s face and as he exhaled deeply, his shoulders slumping.

“Just put the damn helmet on,” Diesel snapped.

Akio jerked around, glaring at his brother as he said, “I’m not riding with you,” and then he walked to the passenger side of Lucas’ car, hand on the handle as he waited for Lucas to unlock the car.

While Akio got in the car, Lucas passed Diesel, acutely aware of the seething rage in the man’s eyes. Diesel didn’t stop him, though, and as he got behind the wheel, Diesel and Chris straddled their bikes and pulled their helmets on. He checked that Akio had buckled in before pulling out after the bikes, following them out of the parking lot to the road.

“You okay?” he asked and glanced at Akio out of the corner of his eye.

Akio motioned at Lucas’ face. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”

“I’ll take this over a bullet wound.”

Akio crossed his arms and dropped back in his seat with a huff.

“That’s not funny.”

No. It wasn’t.

He reached across the console and within seconds, he had Akio’s hand in his. He gave it a soft squeeze and rested their hands on his thigh. He kept them there as he drove, following the two bikes through the city.

He didn’t think he’d seen the house they pulled up in front of before, but the street name sounded familiar for some reason.