Page 41 of Fatal Temptation

Akio watched him with a frown, eyes searching as he scanned Lucas’ face.

He put a finger to his lips and tugged Akio behind him as he headed for his gun safe in the closet. He unlocked it, thankful for the thing being silent, and pulled out his gun. He quickly checked that his magazine was full, then grabbed a spare from the safe, sliding it into his back pocket.

He heard another creak and rage sparked inside him. It was one thing to have dangerous assholes like Kuroki coming after him. He was trained for that. But coming after him while he was with Akio? They were going to regret that.

“What is it?”

Akio’s words were whispered. He knew something was going on. He also knew when that something was dangerous.

“Stay quiet and stay close,” Lucas whispered back.

He kept ahold of Akio’s shirt as he started moving. He led them down the hallway, being careful to walk slowly, listening for the others’ footsteps. Still in the living room from the sound of it though there could be someone in the kitchen, too. The second he took a shot, whoever else was in the apartment would discover their position.

He turned to Akio and motioned for him to get low and stay. Akio crouched down but shook his head, the fear in his eyes tugging hard at Lucas’ heart. He wished he could simply erase it. That he could snap his fingers and bring them to safety.

He gave Akio a stern look to make sure he listened as he pointed back at the bedroom. Akio didn’t look happy about it, but he nodded and backed down the hallway. Lucas watched until he was certain Akio would reach the bedroom.

He snuck down the hall, making his way to the living room with silent steps, knowing exactly where to step and where not to. Stopping in the doorway, he found the intruder instantly. By the couch was a small man dressed in black. It looked like he was searching the room. For them. He was armed and his gun had a suppressor attached. There was no doubt in his mind that he was there to kill them.

He would never let him get the chance.

Lucas raised his gun just as the man turned, catching Lucas’ reflection in the living room windows. He wasn’t fast enough and Lucas’ bullets tore through his body and hit the window behind him. The glass cracked but didn’t shatter, staying in the frame.

He stepped into the living room, eyes scanning for movement, but it was a sound that had him whirling around. Something hard crashed into his side, and he hit the floor with a shout, the man on top of him heavy and keeping him from rolling away.

He grunted at the pain flaring in his hand when it was slammed against the floor, his gun flying out of his grip. He brought his knee up and managed to plant it in his attacker’s side. He drew back just enough that Lucas could roll away.

He threw himself across the floor to grab his gun. His fingers nearly reached it when an arm wrapped around his throat, pulling him up onto his knees while his airways were squeezed shut.

He slammed his elbow into the man wherever he could reach him, but he only squeezed harder. Panic started to hit him as he realized he only had seconds before he passed out. Seconds before he could no longer protect Akio. He reached up, finding the asshole’s face, and jammed his fingers into his eyes.

He was released with a shout and dropped to his hands, gasping for breath.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the man pulling a gun from his waistband and knew he only had seconds to reach his own.

Before he could move, blue glass exploded against the back of the man’s head, and he fell to his knees. Akio stumbled back, away from the man, half of the broken vase still in his hands.

Lucas lunged to the side, grabbing his gun off the floor to fire it twice into the bastard’s head, not taking any chances with Akio’s safety.

He got to his feet and reached for Akio, pulling the shattered glass free from his cold and shaking fingers. He was hit with a memory as Akio’s startled eyes met his. Four years ago, it had been a gun he’d taken from Akio. A gun he’d used to shoot his father with.

He dropped the vase, not caring one bit about the glass littering the floor. All he cared about was Akio and whether he was alright.

He felt the man’s knees give out and caught him, lowering them to the floor with a pained grunt. That tackle to the floor hadn’t done anything good for his body and his throat was sore as hell, though all he could think of was Akio.

He held Akio close against him as they both simply breathed for a few seconds, adrenaline surging through his body and leaving him lightheaded though that could also be from the strangulation.

“Are you okay?” he asked as he pulled back.

Akio nodded, gaze snapping up over Lucas’ shoulder. He whirled around, finger on the trigger though he never got to pull it before the dark-clad man standing before them had a hole in his skull. His body crumbled to the floor and Lucas dropped back with a sigh. He wasn’t sure he should be relieved at seeing Diesel and Chris standing in front of them, though.



“YOU’D BETTER start explaining yourselves,” Diesel said as he pulled Akio to his feet, hands going to his face to tilt it every which way to check for injuries.

“I’m fine,” he muttered.