Page 15 of Fatal Temptation

He stepped closer.

“I can see the worry on your face,” he said, stopping when he was right next to Lucas, their arms nearly brushing.

Lucas’ jaw clenched for a second and then he sighed, leaning back against the counter, one hand grasping the edge.

“It’s hard not to worry about you.”

Why that had his stomach filling with butterflies, he wasn’t sure. He already knew Lucas cared. It was quite obvious considering the fact that he was staying with the man who also hadn’t given him much of a choice in the matter.

He turned his back to the counter, and rested against it, gazing out the window at the buildings, some still with the light on here and there.

“I once thought no one caring about me was the worst,” he said, keeping his voice low. He knew Lucas was looking at him, but he kept his gaze straight ahead. “People caring enough to worry? I still don’t know how to handle it. I mean… I’ve gotten good at pretending but in all honesty? Knowing that people think me so weak that they have to constantly worry about me, I just…”

Arms wrapped around him, and he could barely suck in a breath, his chest so damned tight he felt like it might cave in.

“No one thinks you weak,” Lucas said, cheek against the top of Akio’s head.

Lucas leaned back, meeting Akio’s confused gaze.

“There aren’t many people who would survive what you went through.”

He shook his head, knowing full well that what he went through was nothing compared to what the people his father trafficked went through. The abuse he suffered had nothing on theirs.

Lucas’ hands rose to cup Akio’s face, keeping him from shaking his head.

“Yes.” Lucas’ gaze was burning with conviction. “You went through hell. No matter what you’re trying to tell yourself. No matter the justifications you’re trying to come up with. You survived, and now? You’ve chosen to thrive. To live. In spite of him.”

He could only nod, eyes closing for a second as he soaked in the feel of Lucas’ hands on his face.

“You’re not weak, Akio. You’re brave. So fucking brave,” Lucas said, voice getting softer with each word.

Lucas’ gaze dropped to Akio’s lips and his heart took flight as he stupidly thought for a fleeting second that he might actually kiss him. Logically, he knew he wouldn’t, but there would always be that little part of him that couldn’t give up that dream. That hope.

The hands on his face disappeared and Lucas took a step back.

“You want something to drink? Tea? Water?”

“Do you have hot chocolate?” he asked, perking up a bit.

Lucas’ smile was warm as his eyes lit up.

“I do. I’ll make you a cup.”

Lucas nudged Akio toward the couch, and he went with a soft smile on his lips.

The couch was too big for just one or two people, but it looked comfortable to lie on, which was probably why Lucas had gotten it. After long days of seeing unspeakable things, dropping onto a couch seemed like a necessity.

There was a soft blue knitted blanket folded over one end of the couch. It was soft between his fingers as he grabbed it. He wrapped it around his shoulders and sat down on the couch, the warmth making him relax.

He was staring out the windows when Lucas put a steaming mug down on the coffee table.

“Thank you,” he said, smiling up at Lucas before reaching for the mug.

Lucas sat down on the couch next to him, both too close and too far away at once.

“How did you and Chris meet?”

Lucas turned surprised eyes on Akio, mouth opening and closing as he stared at him for a moment.