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He pulled out his keys and unlocked the front door. He opened it and stepped inside, holding the door open for Akio who’d insisted he could carry his own bag from the car. He watched as Akio looked around, a small smile on his lips.
“What do you think?”
He knew it wasn’t the most extravagant of places. It didn’t have a whole lot of his personal touch. It was a place to put his head down and his feet up. He was working most of the time, so decorating hadn’t exactly been something he wanted to spend his time on. He preferred filling a space with people over objects and trinkets.
“It’s… nice,” Akio said, eyes wide and lips pressing together.
“If you’re gonna lie like that, you should probably practice some,” he said, lips pulling into a smile.
Akio went beet red in the face and dropped his gaze to the floor.
“I just didn’t want to be rude. You did kinda save me today,” Akio mumbled, slowly raising his gaze to meet Lucas’ eyes.
He stepped closer, hands going to Akio’s arms. “Just kinda?”
Akio snorted, a smile spreading on his lips.
“Yeah, just kinda.”
“Uh-huh.” He nodded slowly. “Sure, let’s call it that.”
Brown eyes were twinkling up at him and the part of his heart that wanted him to just say screw it to the consequences was pushing hard against the walls he tried desperately to keep up around Akio.
Akio’s skin was warm under his hands, and he swallowed hard as he let go and stepped back. Before he did something stupid.
“The guest bedroom is through here,” he said, leading the way down the hall to the left. His own bedroom was just across from the guest bedroom, the bathroom at the end between the two rooms.
“Dibs on the shower,” Akio said.
Lucas chuckled and went to the hallway closet, grabbing a towel for Akio.
“All yours.”
Akio took the towel, looking up at Lucas with a small smile, gratitude and something else swirling around in those dark depths. Akio stepped back, eyes dropping to the bag he’d put on the floor. He bent down to pick it back up.
Lucas’ gaze followed, landing on Akio’s ass as he bent over, and he promptly squeezed his eyes shut with a low curse and ran his hands down his face.
Of all the things he definitely shouldn’t do, Akio was at the very top of the list.
LUCAS’ GUEST bed was nice and comfy and yet sleep didn’t come. Just knowing Lucas was in the other room had his brain in overdrive. His body, too. It took everything to try and suppress those images, those feelings. The last thing he was going to do was jerk off to thoughts of Lucas with the man in the next room.
A clinking like two glasses touching had him sitting upright. It had to be Lucas. If someone had broken in, he doubted they’d start with a glass of water in the kitchen.
He pulled the covers back and stepped into the slippers Lucas had handed him earlier. They were blue, fluffy, and very comfortable. There wasn’t a whole lot of heat on. Whether Lucas was saving on the bills because of how rarely he was home, or if he simply preferred the cold, he didn’t know.
He headed into the kitchen, unsurprised to find Lucas standing by the sink, an empty glass on the counter next to him.
“Can’t sleep either?”
Lucas raised his head slowly, those dark, enchanting eyes leveling Akio with a look that had goosebumps rising on his arms.
“No,” Lucas said, his voice like a soft blanket settling over him.