When he’d helped Chris save Diesel from his Yakuza father, he’d never expected a thanks and least of all to be invited into their lives. He’d been taking care of Akio for a while because of the FBI’s involvement in Akio and Diesel’s father’s death. He’d bonded with Akio during that time. Too much for Diesel’s liking, which was probably why he enjoyed it so much.
He caught sight of shiny black hair and came to a halt. Akio was sitting on a cot, his head in his hands.
Akio looked up, relief spreading on his face.
“Luc,” Akio said and stood, hurrying to the door.
He grabbed Akio’s hand through the bars and said, “It’s gonna be okay. I’ll get you out.”
Akio breathed a sigh of relief and nodded. “Thank you.”
“You didn’t call your brother, did you?”
Akio pulled a face.
“Yeah, didn’t think so.”
He heard hasty footsteps behind him and turned around, letting go of Akio to pull his badge out of his pocket.
“Can I help you?” the man walking toward him asked, a displeased look on his face.
“I hope so for your sake,” Lucas said, showing his badge to him.
That had the man coming to a surprised halt. He stared at the badge for a second, then cleared his throat.
“I’m Detective Holland.”
“Special Agent Davis.”
Holland nodded, then glanced at Akio. “He a CI?”
“No. He’s family,” Lucas said, a slight growl in his voice.
Holland blinked rapidly for a second, then straightened, though he didn’t get to say anything before Lucas stepped toward him, his voice low but clear as he said, “What have you arrested him for exactly? Enjoying a beer at a local bar? He’s twenty-one for fuck’s sake.”
Holland looked rightfully ashamed.
“We arrested him on suspicion of affiliating with a known felon.”
“Suspicion?” His brows jumped as disbelief coursed through him. “So, you arrested him on a guess? Because he happened to be at a bar with a friend?”
Holland shifted his weight, gaze shooting between Lucas and Akio.
“We have him interacting with the vice president of a motorcycle gang,” Holland said.
A quick glance at Akio revealed him biting his lip, probably to keep from correcting Holland’sgangwithclub. The distinction was important to the bikers for some reason and that had clearly rubbed off on Akio. Granted, he lived with two bikers, even if one used to be a cop.
“Wow. I’ll be sure to remember that.Don’t talk to strangers.I knew my mother taught me that for a reason,” he snarked at Holland.
Holland’s mouth opened and closed a few times. He looked exactly as intelligent as Lucas surmised he was.
“Right,” Holland mumbled. He turned around and walked back down the hallway, presumably to retrieve the key to Akio’s cell.
Lucas glanced at Akio, frowning when he hurriedly snapped his gaze away.
“What?” he asked, stepping closer to the door again.