Page 59 of Fatal Temptation

A breath rocked through his body. “They’re already planning on putting themselves in danger. This way, at least your niece will be safe.”

“You won’t be.”

No. No, he wouldn’t.

“It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”

He watched Lucas through the windows, his nearly black hair was just long enough to get a good grip on, he hadn’t shaved in several days so the scruff on his chin was getting longer, covering his jaw and giving him a sexy rogue look. He couldn’t see Lucas’ eyes from here, but he didn’t need to. He could point out that exact shade of green on any color chart.

If they were to have a future together, he couldn’t have his past intervening like this. Kuroki and the ring needed to be done with before they could move on. He didn’t deserve to live and love when his bad choices meant that others wouldn’t.

He met Gemma’s gaze.

“Set it up.”



SNEAKING AWAY was easier than he’d thought it would be. Then again, it wasn’t him they were all focused on right now. Gemma would have a harder time leaving without them noticing, which was likely why he’d waited for over five minutes by her car.

She’d told him which car was hers and where she’d parked it and to wait for her there. He was on the verge of heading back when she finally appeared, a somber expression on her face. She pulled out her key fob and the lock on the doors clicked.

“Get in.”

He didn’t hesitate to pull open the passenger side door and slide into the seat, buckling his seatbelt with shaking hands.

“You made the call?” he asked when Gemma was in her seat, too.

Gemma gave a short nod. “I have an address.”

Gemma stayed silent on the drive and while he wouldn’t know the first thing to talk about, the silence meant that his thoughts got very loud. He nearly asked Gemma to turn around several times, when he thought about how his brother or Lucas would feel knowing what he’d done. The risk he was taking. He knew he was basically screwing them over in the process, but he had to do something, and he knew they would never agree to use him as bait.

He needed to do this because he didn’t know how he would ever live with himself if he didn’t. He didn’t think he would ever be able to let go of that crippling guilt without doing this.

They’d already had Gemma’s niece for five weeks and he could do something to get her home, to ensure she was safe.

He knew he wasn’t responsible for Kuroki’s actions, but hewasresponsible for his own. He hadn’t even thought about telling anyone what he knew of his father’s business. He didn’t do his part to stop it four years ago, but he could do it now.

His gaze dropped to his right arm. The sleeve of his jacket had rolled back just enough to show the silver bracelet around his wrist. He hadn’t brought his phone because he knew it could be traced. He wasn’t sure that the bracelet couldn’t but from what Chris told him, it would only send a signal when the gemstone button was held for five seconds.

It was his only lifeline.

He swallowed hard though it did nothing to dissolve the lump in his throat. The longer they drove, the thicker that lump got.

He knew there was a chance he didn’t make it out of this alive and while he tried not to think too much about it, he found it hard not to. The things he would miss. Every second he could’ve spent with Lucas, loving him, being loved. His sister at prom. Her graduation. His own. Maggie and Ryder maybe getting their shit together. Diesel losing his shit over the dress Addie would likely wear to prom. Chris joking about him and Lucas. There were so many things he’d miss if he didn’t make it. Maybe even his own wedding.

He sucked in a breath and knew Gemma noticed but thankfully she didn’t mention it and kept her eyes on the road.

He dropped his head back against the headrest, eyes closing as he tried to imagine it. He didn’t care much about the venue. He cared mostly about the people attending. His family being there to celebrate with them. He knew Lucas would look handsome as hell in a suit, and he would likely find a way to get Akio out of his own before they even walked down the aisle. He loved that. Lucas’ lack of restraint when it came to how much he wanted him.

He wasn’t sure if that was how it always was or if he’d just gotten extremely lucky. He saw it with his brother and Chris because, god help him, he’d had to put his headphones on or escape out of a room because of those two and their inability to keep their hands off each other a million times.

He wanted that for himself. He wanted it for him and Lucas.


He had so much to live for. He’d once fought for a chance to have that. Now he was fighting for it.