Page 53 of Fatal Temptation

“If?” Diesel asked, brows arched mockingly at Lucas.

Lucas dropped his head forward, an exhausted breath passing his lips.

Yeah, they were well pastif’sby now.

When Chris joined them, they came up with somewhat of a plan. Chris and Diesel were heading to Akio’s dorm and would be dropping Maggie off on the way. Fortunately, Ryder had already left and so wasn’t there to see her climb behind Chris on his motorcycle. He had a feeling the man would’ve lost his shit despite his playful demeanor. Bikers were territorial as fuck. He’d learned that the hard way with Diesel.

He wasn’t sure he’d be much better off himself. He certainly had a possessive streak when it came to Akio. Fortunately, Akio didn’t seem to mind it. Akio was growing more confident by the day, including in their relationship and he loved to see it.

He was taking out his phone to check in with Edmunds and let him in on their plans when it rang.

∞ ∞ ∞

His anger was almost blinding. That phone call was the last thing he expected. He was lucky to have a friend in the local police department.

“There’s a warrant out for your guy. Armed and dangerous.”

John’s words had made his blood run cold. It hadn’t helped when he’d followed them up with,“It was issued by a Detective Holland.”

He knew Holland wasn’t with Kuroki. He’d looked into him extensively since picking Akio up from lockup. The man was clean. Apart from a few petty complaints. Nothing unusual. No weird patterns or excessive use of money he shouldn’t have had access to. Which meant that someone had likely put him up to obtain the warrant with fake evidence of Akio’s involvement with the Rebels. Someone like Kuroki’s FBI mole.

They must’ve traced the phone call Akio had made to him from lockup and discovered Akio’s name, put two and two together, and then gone to Holland.

He walked into the building, heading straight for the desk sergeant. He pulled out his badge, slamming it down on the counter.

“Detective Holland.”

The desk sergeant, a woman in her fifties with graying roots and dark red glasses, barely spared him a glance as she pointed toward the elevators and said, “Third floor.”

“Thank you,” he said through gritted teeth and took off.

The elevator ride only had his blood pumping faster. As much as he wanted to slam his fist into Holland’s face, he needed the man. He could break this whole thing open.

He stepped out on the third floor, straight into a bullpen. He ran his gaze across the room, a burst of relief hitting him when he caught sight of Holland.

He marched toward the man. Holland looked up, surprise showing in his eyes when he saw Lucas. He straightened, an apprehensive look spreading on his face.

“I need the name of the agent who told you to put out that warrant,” he said in lieu of a greeting.

Holland blinked at him for a second, then made a disgruntled sound.

“If you think you can come here and?”

“Let me phrase this so you understand the severity of what you’ve done; the only thing you accomplished with that warrant was aiding that agent in committing treason.”

Holland’s mouth went slack, and it took him a moment to pull himself together and nod at Lucas.

Lucas motioned at Holland’s stationary phone and said, “Call the field office. Ask for ASAC Edmunds.”

Holland watched him with narrowed eyes as he reached for the phone. He looked up the number on his computer and put the call through.

“This is Detective Holland with MPD. I need to speak to ASAC Edmunds.”

While they waited, his gaze never wavered from Holland’s, his glare clearly upsetting the man whose face had turned a pale white.

“Edmunds. I have one of your agents here who wants information I?”

Holland snapped his mouth shut, glaring up at Lucas for a moment before handing him the phone.