Page 31 of Fatal Temptation

He turned to look at Akio with creased brows and confusion.

“What do you mean?”

Akio met Lucas’ gaze. “Maybe they’re using his places. His methods.”

He blinked at Akio. That wasn’t farfetched at all. In fact, it would make a lot of sense.

“It has to be someone who knows. Someone who was there,” he said, arching a brow at Akio.

“One of his men,” Akio said while nodding.

“Do you know the locations?”

Akio’s eyes widened and his lips parted before he nodded.

Lucas got up and walked to the sideboard behind the dining table. He rummaged through a drawer, coming up with an old tourist map of the city he’d bought when he’d moved here. He brought it to the coffee table where he opened it up and laid it down.

Before he could point to the building where the traffickers had last been, Akio placed his fingertip on it.

“That’s one of his places. He had several in the city. He used to rotate between them.”

His pulse was picking up fast as he said, “They were there recently. They got wind we were coming and took off before we could get them.”

“I guess they didn’t change how they do things.”

“If it ain’t broke,” Lucas said with a raised brow.

Akio shrugged, then pointed at another part of the map.

“This is the place they use for the girls they keep in the city. There’s a basement connection to a few of the other buildings and I think that’s maybe how they keep the place from being discovered.”

Akio pointed out several other locations and Lucas made sure to write them all down.

He nodded slowly, taking a step back. “I’m gonna have to check it out.”

“What? Now?”

“If they’re actually using that place, then I need to get to them before they move on. I can’t risk losing them again.” He pressed a kiss to the top of Akio’s head and said, “Thank you,” before heading toward his bedroom and his gun safe.

“Be safe,” Akio said, smiling up at him though it didn’t hide the worry in his eyes.

He walked back to cup Akio’s face and pressed a kiss to his lips.

“I will. I promise.”

∞ ∞ ∞

Traffick wasn’t the best, though it could’ve been worse if he’d gone just an hour before. The sun was going down, the lights on the cars on the road turning on. It took a good hour to get to the address Akio had pointed out. It was a commercial area with lots of people coming and going. It was perfect for assholes who ran trafficking- and prostitution rings. No one would suspect anything when people came and went from the building that looked just like any of the other commercial structures surrounding it.

He parked at the closest spot he could get to the address, knowing he might need a quick getaway if he was discovered. He would be cautious and careful, but he wasn’t one to keep away from doing the dirty work. He’d been through a dumpster or two in his day. He’d run surveillance days on end, barely able to move from his position. He would gladly put himself in the line of fire if he needed to.

He did it all for people like Akio. Those caught in terrible situations with no means of escape. Those who were taken and trapped against their will.

He stayed on the street across from the front of the building, taking his phone out as he leaned against the outside wall of a closed store. He put his phone to his ear, pretending to take a call while he surveyed the building.

The building’s windows were all covered from the inside though that wasn’t uncommon in this part of town. The only way to see who came and went was by the front door but knowing there were underground connections between the buildings told him that was likely where they brought people in and out.

He knew there was vehicle access to the back, garage doors in almost every building. No one would look twice at a truck arriving to unload their wares there.