“Do you think it’s a good idea to try to tell Daddy what to do, sweet girl?” he asked, with a little warning in his tone. Just as a reminder. If he was feeling particularly sadistic, he could tie her legs apart—maybe use a spreader—and feast on her pussy until she was screaming and begging him to stop all over again.
Her eyes widened, as if reading his thoughts.
“Nope, sorry, Daddy, I just meant please give me a break after wearing me out with your huge cock.” She batted her eyes at him, though she didn’t have quite as much bounce in her tone as she had earlier when she’d been sassy.
Drew couldn’t help but laugh.
“Starting to think maybe I didn’t manage to spank all that sass out of you, sweet girl.” He raised his eyebrow at her, hand coming out to caress her thigh. “Maybe I should try spanking your pussy instead.”
Her eyes widened, and her thighs squeezed together, trapping the tips of his fingers between them.
“Nope. All the sass is gone. Totally gone. My pussy is sass free.”
Laughing again, Drew leaned down to kiss her, dropping the cloth to the side so he could join her on the bed and wrap her in his arms. Cuddling had always been his favorite part of aftercare, especially now, on a night like tonight when he didn’t want the scene to end.
Chapter Seven
Curled up around Naomi felt right. They were facing each other, her head pillowed on one of his arms while the other was wrapped around her waist, hand curved over her buttocks, fingertips just brushing the plug that was still in her ass. Drew had no intention of taking it out; he was going to send her home with it unless she requested it be removed.
Maybe some people wouldn’t consider a butt plug as a memento of their first night together to be romantic, but he thought it was.
One of her legs was thrown over his, resting on his hip, while the other was pressed front to front against his. Her fingers stroked through the wiry hair on his chest, as though she was petting him.
“So you like what you do?” Yes, they were doing the ‘getting to know you’ part post-orgasmic bliss, but somehow it worked. It might even be more intimate since they’d already gotten to know each other biblically.
“I do. It’s not exactly easy since I have to see some really hard things.” She shook her head. “It really sucks how society and our justice system lets abusers get away with causing so much harm, but I like working to help. I feel… not just good, but a sense of relief when I’m able to save someone and help them get away from a bad situation and into a good one.”
“Sounds kind of dangerous.” That had been his first thought when she told him she worked for a women’s center.
“It can be. We work hard to make it as safe as possible, but we’re often dealing with dangerous men.” She smiled, tilting her head back and pressing her finger to his lips. “Don’t worry, Daddy, Sir. I do my best to take care of myself. I’ve been doing Jiu-Jitsu since I was a kid, and I’m now a black belt, and I teach twice a week at a dojo. I also do a free weekly class at the center for anyone who wants to come.”
“That’s good.” A relief, too. Jiu-Jitsu was a good martial art for any woman who might find herself in a dangerous situation with someone bigger and stronger than her. Especially with its focus on grappling. Drew relaxed a little, then frowned at her when she poked him in the chest.
“A little hypocritical of you to be talking about dangerous jobs, don’t you think?” she asked. “I know exactly what Claudia does and, therefore, what you do. Or, at least, I know as much as she’s allowed to tell me, which means I also know it’s so much worse than what I’m allowed to know.”
“Fair point,” he admitted, tightening his grip on her to pull her more firmly against him. His fingers found the base of the plug and gave it a little twist, making her gasp, her pupils dilating in response. “But you should know that I’m the overprotective sort.”
“Mmm.” She wriggled against him. “I don’t mind some protectiveness as long as you don’t interfere with my job.” Pressing her lips to his, she pulled away after only a moment.“Besides, I’m the overprotective type, too. How else do you think I ended up in the job that I do?”
That made him laugh. He was going to be worried about her, but maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing. The couple relationships he’d tried to have had ended because his partner couldn’t handle being with someone who was both long distance and constantly in danger. He didn’t blame them, even though it had stung at the time.
Being with a soldier, any soldier, was difficult. And his team went into more dangerous situations than many. Hearing about Naomi’s job actually gave him a little more appreciation for what his girlfriends had gone through—imagining being deployed when she was putting herself in danger doing her job… Yeah, it was not a fun thing to think about.
He had a feeling he was constantly going to be thinking about her, wondering what she was doing, if she was safe, and knowing he was helpless to do anything about it if she wasn’t. So, yeah. Even though he hadn’t blamed his exes, he hadn’t fully appreciated how hard that might be, not until right now when he was on the other side of it.
Not that Naomi had agreed to be his girlfriend yet.
But she would.
Drew stopped pressing on the plug, putting his arms back around her in a way that was more cuddly than sexual. He wanted her to know that he wanted more than sex from her.
“I want to see you again.” No beating around the bush. “Maybe I could take you out to dinner tomorrow?”
Her eyebrows went up. Surely she wasn’t surprised? Or maybe she was. Scening, even sex, didn’t necessarily mean anything would happen outside the club. They hadn’t discussed it beforehand, but he hoped she felt the same connection he did.
If she didn’t, he’d work on making it so.