Page 81 of Daddy, Sir

She shook her head. “No… no, it’s on him, Daddy.”


God, I’d needed to hear that word. Bending forward, I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her before picking up my phone. I let her see the screen, let her see I pressed the button that not only put the call on speaker, but would allow her to see the faces of those who answered.

Here. Here. I’m here. Present. Here. Boss?

Those words were spoken one after another as the members of Citadel responded to the number appearing on their phones. Much like 911, it was our code for an emergency requiring an instant response.

It took me only seconds to give a succinct summary of what I’d found, where I’d found it.

“We may catch a break,” Matt said. “Tape is extremely difficult to handle wearing gloves. Maybe we’ll be able to lift a fingerprint.”

“Fiona? Are you okay?”

This came from Audra and was answered by a woman who had been caught up in terror only moments before.

“No, not really. But… but I will be.”

“That’s right,” Zeke assured her. “Landon, do you want us to come to you or are you coming here?”

“I’ve checked the house. He’s not here, and I’m sure as hell not waiting around to see if he’ll come back. We’ll head your way in ten.”

“Wait!” Fiona placed her hand on my arm. “He knows my address. There’s nothing to say he doesn’t know where you live as well. Maybe we can catch him by using me as bait and?—”

“Over my dead body!”


“Not open to discussion. Remember you’re not in control here. I am!”

She pulled her hand off my arm, but her eyes, now clear of any shimmer, glared daggers at me. “I’m not questioning your control, Landon. I know you’re in command. But how about offering me the same respect and acknowledging that he’s not after you, I’m who he wants which means?—”

“On our way.”

The last was Audra again. Evidently she’d made an executive decision to come and the rest of the team agreed as one by one, the faces on the phone screen disappeared.

Chapter Fifteen


As I put the sheets in the washer after transferring the clothes to the dryer, I heard the sound of not one but several cars pulling into the drive that ran up the side of my house. Apparently, Landon’s call was like the police commissioner of Gotham City turning on the spotlight that shot a picture of a bat into the sky. Only this light drew an awful lot of Batmobiles. A glance out the backdoor showed doors opening and closing as people climbed out of vehicles. To a one, heads swiveled and I was very glad I wasn’t attempting to hide behind a bush or in the branches of a tree.

Leaving the utility room, I joined Landon, rolling my eyes, but obeying when he said, “Stay back,” as he checked the window beside the front door and only then turned the key in the deadbolt and opened the door.

“Wow,” I said as people poured into my living room. “We’re gonna need more chairs.”

“I’ll grab them,” Matt offered.

I was about to tell him I was joking when I realized that while the people belonging to the faces on the phone were inside, Landon was talking to someone on the porch. With his attention diverted, I felt it safe enough to walk up to stand beside him. I made it to within two feet when Audra reached out and pulled me back.

“Save the glare,” she said in a far less friendly tone than I’d ever heard before. “Let him assign the others, then you can go to him.”

Forget the fantasy of men in tight spandex and capes. The true heroes were the men and women who didn’t hide behind a mask or secret identity. They were the ones who chose to serve their country and if that wasn’t enough sacrifice, they dedicated their lives to protect those weaker than themselves. If I’d felt safe after I’d joined Citadel’s client list, the security I was witnessing now was the level I’d only seen in movies or when the leaders of government or the Royal Family were moving out amongst their adoring public. Only I’d discovered I was not a fan of adoration unless it came from the man who was finally closing and relocking the door.

I didn’t move to Landon, instead, he moved to me, pulling me to his side and giving me a hug. “Everyone take a seat. I’ll grab the bag.” He kept his arm around me as he led me to the dining room table where additional chairs from the kitchen had been added. “You okay, baby?”

“I’m good.” I wasn’t, but freaking wasn’t going to help anyone. “Does anyone want coffee or tea?”