“I can promise that.”
“And, Fee?”
“Yes, Sir?”
“I won’t care if we are in my apartment, my office or in the middle of the damn street. If you hesitate to obey, you’ll discover that lying isn’t the only offense that has you tilted over my knee and that pretty bare little bottom turned as red as your hair. Is that absolutely clear?”
“Yes, Dadd… sorry, I mean, yes, Sir.”
Grinning, I lifted the phone to my ear. “Babygirl, I don’t give a damn if anyone hears you call me Daddy. I’m damn proud of the title you’ve honored me with. All I care about is that you follow orders. Starting now. Out of bed and into the shower. I have a feeling we’re in for a busy day.”
“Yes, Daddy Dom Major Sir,” she said, saluting as she hopped off the bed and flew to the bathroom. Like a red cape, her hair flowed around her, parting just enough to give me a peek of her bare ass which had my cock rising in its own salute.
It was the shrill sound of a whistle that had me yanking the phone away from my ear. “What the hell!”
“Stop gawking and answer the damn phone, sir.”
Lifting the phone again, I said, “Please tell me you didn’t hear that.”
“Let’s just say we’re all pretty sure the schedule you’re supposedly working on won’t include night shifts for any of us,” Zeke said.
I closed my eyes. “And by ‘us,’ you mean…”
Good morningwas followed by various members of the entire Citadel team adding anything from sir, to major, to Daddy, and I was pretty sure I heard a few kissie-kissie sounds being made.
“You really do need to learn the difference between the mute and speaker buttons,” Matt said.
“Shit!” The expletive was followed by a thought that had my eyes darting toward the door where Fiona had disappeared. “Fuck audio! Zeke distinctly said ‘stop gawking’. If you value your life, you’ll?—”
“Relax, Landon. No one saw anything.”
“Audra, if you’re lying?—”
“Not your sub, sir.”
The switch in tone from conciliatory to absolute authority told me I’d stepped over a line.
“Sorry, that was uncalled for.”
“Consider it forgotten, but rest assured, you didn’t FaceTime anyone. It just doesn’t take a rocket scientist to follow the conversation and fill in the visuals.”
I groaned. “I’ll stop for donuts if every one of you swears you won’t ever let Fiona know about this.”
“We’d never rat you out, Landon,” Audra said.
“But it might be a good idea to throw a few kolaches in with those donuts,” Kurt offered.
“Be there in thirty.”
“Boss, want a bit of advice?”
The answer would have been an automatic ‘no’ if the question hadn’t come from Audra. “Sure.”
“Take an hour.”
I couldn’t help but grin, my gaze going to the door of the bathroom again.
“Yes, ma’am.”