Page 68 of Daddy, Sir

Her eyes rolled and she didn’t even bother to hide it. Instead, she actually walked back to stand in front of me, lifted one hand from her hip and snapped her fingers as if getting my attention. “Must I spell it out?”

It wasn’t the snap nor the sass that had me pretty sure I was finally on the same page. It was the drop of her eyes to my hand that had the bell dinging. But what the hell. This could be fun. “I believe you do.”

The way her eyes widened and her mouth formed that precious little “O” instantly had my cock hardening but I’d learned a great many things in the past dozen years. Patience was only one of them. I almost laughed when her eyes tracked the movement of my hands as I slid both into the pockets of my jeans.“Do I need to break out the Scrabble game so you can find the correct letters?”

Her head lifted and her eyes cleared. “No, what you need to do is pull your hands out of your pockets and S.P.A.N.K. my ass, Sir, Major Daddy Dom, Sir.”

Well, fuck me. Seemed Fee had learned some things as well. How to get from Point A to Point Z at the speed of light was apparently one of them. I instantly knew what she needed and that need wasn’t a simple spanking from her boyfriend for wrongs she thought needed to be righted. She needed the type of spanking only her Dom could deliver. The “Daddy” part was new, but I’d be lying if it didn’t fill a niche in my psyche I hadn’t even truly acknowledged.

Chapter Nine


In our “before” when Landon had put me over his lap the first time to remind me I wasn’t doing myself or anyone else any good by running amok, the spanking had been a bit clumsy, a little painful with a whole lot of raging hormones thrown into the mix. Hormones that had led to a great deal of kissing and hands up shirts and down shorts, that had been far more titillating than satisfying. Then again, what had we known? We’d just been kids on the cusp of becoming adults.

But in our “now” with me continuing my futile attempt to swim off his lap as his palm cracked against my ass, I was learning that boy had become a man and could give a master class on how to deliver a spanking.

“Please! That’s enough!”

“Daddy decides what’s enough, Fee.”

Add a class on how to make a girl’s naughty bits weep by simply informing her she is not in charge. Daddy was.

That was the true magic of the moment. I’d not actually meant to add “Daddy” to the “Dom” I’d called him. In fact, Ithink it shocked me more than seeing it had shocked Landon. I’d have taken it back if not for the flare of his nostrils, the light in his eyes and smile he’d given me right before he’d lifted me off my feet and flung me over his shoulder.

He’d taken into account the location I’d declared I wanted as we were indeed on the bed. As for the deliciously wicked things I’d been thinking about since that kiss in his car, they were still on my “wish” list.

“Landon, that stings!” I yelped when his hand landed not on my ass, but on the back of my thigh.

“Not near enough if you’ve already forgotten how to properly address me,” he scolded with both his words and rapid flurry of swats that alternated leg to leg and not cheek to cheek.

“Daddy! I mean, Daddy! I’m sorry!”

“Say it again.”

“I’m sor?—”

“No, not that. I’ve already told you that you have nothing to be sorry for. That’s all on me.”

“Daddy,” I said, then said it again. “Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! You’re my Daddy!”

“That’s right, I’m your Daddy. Your Dom. Your…”

“My ‘now’,” I provided when he paused. “And my ‘always’.”


His words were soft, almost a whisper of awe that wrenched my heart. Of course, that was when the next stroke landed across the center of my butt.

“And analwaysDaddyalwaysassures his girlalwaysknows he willalwaysmake sure shealwaysfeels safe and loved even when she is over his lap getting her little behind blistered.”

I didn’t know whether to roll my eyes, huff, or giggle, but I knew from that swat on, we were truly going to be okay… always.

Still, by the time he rubbed his palm against flesh that had to be so hot I was surprised it didn’t burn his hand, I’d yelled,kicked, cried, kicked, pleaded, kicked and finally submitted and let his strokes drive the guilt I’d felt for years out of my heart. His words then filled that space with reassurances that he would always be there for me.

When he finally pulled me up to sit in his lap, I bit back a hiss of pain and looked up at him. “Daddy?”
