Page 49 of Daddy, Sir

“Nothing,” she snapped. Taking a deep breath, she softened her tone. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to shout. Get the crew together and start work on the dungeon aftercare rooms.”


Daniel opened the door wide, giving her an eyeful of his body covered in nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs. Her anger surged and she tightened her fists. Not only had Bethany decided to ruin her morning, she didn’t have coffee.

And a Sadie without caffeine was not a pleasant thing.

“What’s going on?” Daniel asked, dividing his attention between her, Lourdes, and Beatriz.

“My sister decided to fuck around and find out,” Sadie replied. “Put on some pants if you want to watch the show.”

“Nope.” He took her arm and nodded at Beatriz and Lourdes. “Excuse us, ladies.”

Before she could protest, he dragged her back inside and shut the door in their faces.


“Shower and dress,” he ordered as he dug through her bag for clean clothes.

“I don’t care what I look like,” she retorted. “I don’t need to look like I’m about to hit a fashion runway to slap my sister until her head pops off.”

Giving her an evil smile full of teeth, he laid jeans, underwear, and the one cute shirt she kept in her overnight bag on the vanity in the bathroom. “Remember how we agreed that I’d take care of you, baby?”

“Yeah, but?—”

He kissed her forehead. “That means I’m your wing Daddy. I make sure you have everything you need before you slap your sister silly, and I say you need to look like you aren’t fucking around. Last night’s T-shirt and shorts don’t do that, and you absolutely will not hurry on their account.”

“But the police are here too.”

He shrugged and dressed in his jeans and shirt from the night before. “If they were in a rush, they’d have brought a warrant.”

“Oh.” He was right, dang him. She blushed and lowered her head. “Thank you, Daddy.”

“Good girl.” He turned her to face the bathroom and swatted her butt. “Be quick. I’ll text Sean and have him pull up the security tapes from last night.”

Still wondering how she’d gotten so lucky, she hurried through washing up, then dressed and braided her hair. To her surprise, Sean, Jake, Ryan, and Mark were waiting with Daniel, and there was a room service cart laden with yummy treats and a coffee service.

“Eat up, sweetheart,” Jake said, filling a mug with the elixir of life as Ryan held her chair.

Daniel filled a plate with tiny quiches, cut fruit, and sausage links, then laid a napkin in her lap before serving himself.

“I have the recordings from last night,” Sean said after taking a sip of his coffee. Scowling, he added, “Including the footage of when a black Corvette tried to hit you.”

“Does it have sound?” Daniel asked.

“Does a bear shit in the woods?” Sean smirked and popped a quiche into his mouth. To Sadie, he added, “Your sister is a piece of work, honey.”

“Tell me about it.”

“The cops don’t have a warrant, so we refused entry,” Mark said as he sat across from her and poured coffee for himself. “They’re all waiting in the parking lot.”

Although she wanted to get what would probably be an ugly scene over with, she forced herself to slow down and enjoy her breakfast. Besides, the thought of Bethany and her parents cooling their heels in the parking lot brought her a great deal of spiteful joy.

She never once thought she’d need it, much less want it, but damn. It was nice having Daniel look out for her. She would have done the walk of shame in last night’s clothes, which her sister and parents would have used against her.

Not that she was ashamed. Far from it, in fact. Unfortunately, they’d have made a federal case about it, forgetting entirely that she was an adult and owned a business, including multiple investment properties.

“Eat up, babygirl.” Daniel slid another sausage to her plate and cut a bite before feeding it to her.