“When was the last time someone took care of you?”
“I’ve never needed it.”
“And you’re still not answering.” He blocked the exit, forcing her to stop. “I’m starting to wonder why.”
“Keep wondering.” She slipped past him and strode down the corridor to a service exit. “I need to get my overnight bag from my truck, then I’m going to bed.”
His palm itching with the need to spank her cute ass, he followed her. Whether she liked it or not, he wasn’t about to let her go outside without backup.
He caught up as she opened the door and wrapped his arm around her waist, then held up a hand to stall her protests. “I’ll walk you out.”
“I don’t need your help.”
“Daniel, I’m fine.” She wriggled free of his embrace and kept walking. “I can take care of myself.”
A horn blared as a black Corvette swerved through the parking lot, its headlights centered on Sadie. Without hesitation, he lunged and jerked her out of the way just before the car struck her. Hoping he hadn’t bruised her, he tightened his arms around her as the vehicle skidded sideways before coming to a stop.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” She brushed his hands away and scowled as a woman climbed from the vehicle and stormed toward them. She might have been pretty, if not for the hateful twist of her lips as she glared at Sadie.
“What the fuck is this?” The woman thrust a piece of paper in Sadie’s face.
“Ah, Bethany,” Sadie murmured. “I see you found your eviction notice.”
“You can’t evict me. I’m your sister.”
Daniel wouldn’t have caught the family resemblance. Bethany shared Sadie’s coloring, but the similarities stopped there. Bethany was tall and thin enough to be gaunt and wore a red sequined party dress and heels. Her chestnut hair was sweptinto a complicated updo with curls framing her heavily made-up face.
“Your signature on the lease says I can evict you after ninety days of nonpayment. Considering it’s been almost five months, and you’ve ignored several notices already, I think I’ve been more than generous.”
“The fact that you made me sign that stupid lease tells me you’re still jealous of me.” Bethany sneered and crumpled the eviction notice into a ball before tossing it to the ground at Sadie’s feet.
“You can tell yourself whatever you want.” Shrugging, Sadie added, “It’s not our first rodeo where you owe me money. The lease just means I can send your account to collections this time.”
“It’s not like you’d actually do it. Mom and Dad would stop you.” Bethany tipped her nose into the air, obviously trying to intimidate Sadie. “It must kill you to know they love me more than they love you.”
Daniel didn’t miss the flicker of hurt in Sadie’s golden-brown eyes. He gritted his teeth and forced himself to stay silent. After promising Sadie he wouldn’t try to take her agency from her, he couldn’t interfere. Aside from that, she wasn’t a damsel in distress, and he doubted he’d appreciate him coming to her rescue.
“Yeah, it used to—when I was ten.” Sadie smiled faintly. “It must have killed you when I stopped caring after they wrote your name on my birthday cake and let you have my presents after yet another of your infantile little tantrums.”
For a split second, Bethany’s eyes hardened with anger, then she burst into tears. “Sadie, can’t you see I’m trying to help? Mom and Dad are going to be so mad at you. I’m just looking out for you.”
Bethany’s pathetic attempt at gaslighting gave him a pretty good idea why Sadie wouldn’t tell him when someone last took care of her. Worse, judging by the way Sadie sighed and rolled her eyes, it wasn’t the first time her sister pulled the stunt. Hell, her parents probably did it too.
Living in a war zone and making decisions that might cost men their lives wasn’t as hard as resisting his body’s demand to toss Sadie over his shoulder and get her away from the ugly situation.
“You’ve obviously mistaken me for one of your enablers.” Sadie’s eyes narrowed and she got in her sister’s face, then planted her hands on her hips. “First, I don’t give a shit if they’re angry. Second, the only person you care about helping is yourself. You have five days before I put your stuff on the curb and change the locks.”
“Mom and Dad won’t let you.”
“Honestly, it’s just adorable that you think I need their permission to get you out ofmybuilding.” Sadie’s pouty smile faded. “And I’m definitely not fucking with you. Count yourself lucky I haven’t called the sheriff yet.”
Bethany’s face twisted into an ugly snarl. “You stupid cunt!”
Daniel stilled at hearing the same slur that had been spray painted on his house, then caught Bethany’s wrist before her hand connected with Sadie’s face.