Page 39 of Daddy, Sir

Jasmine giggled and winked at him. “Bet he’s on the naughty list for other things.”

Daniel hid a smile when Sadie blushed. She was so damned pretty, but he doubted she recognized how appealing she was. And that pink staining her cheeks…

He wanted to set her on his lap and keep her there.

“Youare on the naughty list, young lady,” she replied tartly. “Behave, bitches.”

“Where’s the fun in behaving?”

Everyone laughed as Jake set the pot on the counter alongside more food in steel serving pans.

“We’re having spicy pumpkin soup to start, followed by smoked tofu that tastes like burnt ends, jacket potatoes, and creamed spinach. I’m using you as guinea pigs for a vegan menu, so be honest with your critique.”


She ate her last bite of limoncello pound cake and tried not to moan, wishing she’d worn pants with an elastic waistband. The rumors about Jake’s cooking were very, very true, and she had the food baby to prove it.

“Someone get a wheelbarrow from the supply trailer,” Lourdes said as she closed her eyes and leaned back in her chair. “I don’t think I can walk.”

“I’m not even vegetarian,” Jasmine replied. “And I’m seriously not straight, but I’m going to kidnap Jake and marry him.”

Drowsy laughter followed her words as Daniel helped clear the table before returning to finish his dessert.

“We need to get on the road,” Sadie said, trying to ignore the way his tight jeans cupped his ass. “It’s a long drive to Flagstaff, and we’ll be back bright and early tomorrow.”

“Nah.” Beatriz folded her arms on the table and put her head down. “Sleeping right here.”

“I assume that means the vegan menu was a hit?” Jake asked.

“Out of the park,” Sadie said. “There’s going to be a line out the door when you open.”

“Especially if he keeps serving this cake,” Daniel replied after licking tart glaze off his fork.

“We have enough beds to keep you tonight, but you’ll have to double up on the bathrooms,” Mark said, giving the tired ladies a long, speculative glance. “Don’t like the idea of you driving home so late.”

Neither did Sadie, but she didn’t feel right making her crew stay either—especially without prior notice. They really should have left earlier, but she and her crew had lost track of time.

“Thank you for the generous offer.” Sadie shook her head. “But?—”

Sean held up a hand, cutting her off. “We especially don’t like the idea of Sadie being by herself when we know someone is targeting her.”

She folded her arms over her chest and glared at Daniel, who smirked as he filled her water glass. “Did Daniel put you up to this?”

“No,” Daniel replied. “But I was going to mention it. Mark and Sean just beat me to it.”

“I don’t know about you, but I’m going to find one of those beds and fall into it,” Beatriz said. “Thanks for letting us stay.”

“My kids are with their abuela tonight for a slumber party with their cousins.” Lourdes glanced at the other women. “I packed a change of clothes like usual, but I don’t have toiletries.”

“We have you covered,” Ryan replied. “There’s a stash of product samples in housekeeping, and it would be great if you could tell us which ones you like.”

Knowing she’d lost the battle, Sadie gave up her protests. Hell, it wasn’t really a fight she wanted to win in the first place. “Are you guys okay with staying?”

When everyone nodded, Ryan said, “I guess it’s settled. Housekeeping and laundry are at the end of the hall. We don’t have staff yet, so you’ll have to make your own beds.”

“Why do I have a sneaking suspicion we got set up?” Sadie asked of no one in particular.

“You weren’t.” Daniel shook his head. “But I agree with the Horsemen. It’s way too late for you to be driving home, and I don’t like the thought of you being by yourself.”