Page 193 of Daddy, Sir

“Yup. People magazine did a whole write-up on them when they got married, and again when they had their first kids within like a week of each other.”

“Oooh. You didn’t tell me you were famous. That changes the game a bit.”

Someone was feeling a bit more like herself. Thank god. He’d been hard on her, harder than he should have for a first time, and he’d been starting to worry he’d broken her. Cocking a brow, he fixed her with a mockingly stern glare. “Is that so?”

“Mmhmm.” Shifting up on to her knees, she straddled him. “I’ve never fucked anyone famous before. Now I can cross it off my bucket list.”

He cupped her ass, drinking in the way her eyes flashed with pain and need when he squeezed. “You can cross fucking anyone else off your list for the foreseeable future, as well.”

“Was that a marriage proposal, Holden Prescott? Because if it was, I’m going to have to demand a do-over. My parents aren’t the only ones with expectations.”

“Ah, well. Can’t blame a guy for trying.”

Tossing her head back, she let out a long, loud laugh, and he decided he’d been wrong before. Listening to her laugh,thatwas definitely his happy place.

“Hot, funny, and really great in bed? Where have you been all my life?”

“Overseas, mostly. I spent half your life in the Marines.” Jesus. He really was a fucking asshole, wasn’t he? She was young enough to be his daughter, and here he was, taking full advantage of her innocence and naivete.

“Really?” Frankie tilted her head to the side, studying him like he was some new species of man she’d never seen before. “That tracks. You’ve got that… hardness about you. So you’re what, retired now?”

Hard. That was one way to put it. “I’m not quitethatold. I did about ten years in the Marines, then got out. Started up a security business that does pretty well for itself. The irony of it being I got out of the Marines partially because I was sick of being away from home and now my job takes me all over the world.”

“Best-laid plans, right?” Wiggling against him with a soft hum of pleasure, she pressed her bare pussy against the bulge of his cock. “Not to change the subject, but I would very much like to be fucked now.”

“And I would love nothing more than to let you ride my cock until we both see stars.” Triumph flashed in her eyes, and he almost felt guilty for snuffing it out. “But not so soon after a punishment.”

Her mouth literally fell open, and he nearly laughed out loud at the comical look of shock on her face. “All of that foreplay and you’re not going to fuck me?”

“First of all, it wasn’t foreplay. And if you think it was, then perhaps I didn’t punish you nearly enough. Do we need a do-over, Francesca?”

Pink rose to her cheeks as she whipped her head back and forth. “No, no, I know it wasn’t foreplay. I just meant, like… oh my god, never mind.”

She tried to slide off his lap, but he tightened his grip on her ass, holding her in place. “Tell me what you meant, little siren.”

“I said never mind. If you’re not going to fuck me, then I’d like to get dressed. It’s cold in here.”

It wasn’t, not in the least, and he happened to know that Braden kept the aftercare rooms a bit warmer than the rest of the club, specifically for comfort. “You can get dressed after we talk. What are you so embarrassed about?”

“I am not embarrassed. Legares don’t get embarrassed.”

He hadn’t even known her a week and he was getting really damn tired of hearing what the Legares didn’t do. “Francesca. I don’t want to spank you again, but I will if you refuse to communicate. Now.” Using his hold on her ass, he pulled her closer, meeting her fiery gaze with his own stern glare. “Tell Daddy what’s wrong.”

Everything about her seemed to soften at the command, a fact he made note of to keep in his back pocket for future use. “Nothing’swrong, I guess. It’s just… I know what happened out in the pit was a punishment, but it still turned me on. Like, a lot.”

“Ah. That’s understandable. And completely normal.”

“It is?”

“One hundred percent. And you never have to be embarrassed of your reactions to anything we do, little siren.”

“I already told you, I wasn’t embarrassed. Just clearing things up since you got so snippy about it when I called it foreplay.”

One of them was definitely feeling snippy, and he was pretty sure it wasn’t him. “You’re always welcome to ask me for clarification whenever you need it. Is there anything else I can clear up for you?”

“Yes. Why aren’t you going to fuck me?”

“Because giving you pleasure so soon after a punishment defeats the point. I don’t want you to look back on tonight andremember how good it felt to have Daddy’s cock inside you. I want you to remember the lessons you were taught.”