Page 181 of Daddy, Sir

Pausing with his hand on the door, Holden looked down at her, giving her the same look he’d given Shane. Unlike Shane, however, Frankie simply met his gaze head-on, defiance blazing in the dark brown of her eyes.

He’d never been particularly fond of brats. He was a strict man with strict ways, and he didn’t relish the thought of constantly butting heads with someone. But there was something about Frankie that pulled him in, despite himself. She was a challenge he couldn’t seem to resist, but more than that there was a vulnerability to her, just below the surface of that brazen, bratty attitude that tapped into the Daddy side of him like no one else before her had ever managed to.

“What are the rules when we’re here at the club, Francesca?”

Frankie might have been immune to ‘The Look’, but she certainly wasn’t immune to ‘The Voice’. Pink slashed across her cheeks, though she did retain eye contact which impressed him for reasons he couldn’t quite place. “Be respectful. Always call you Daddy. Don’t touch anything without permission—which I still say is a ridiculous rule. I’m not a child, you know.”

“You’re not. But you are a very curious little brat, and I intend to give you as little wiggle room as possible tonight.”

“Ugh. Fine.”

Sliding his hand down to her ass, he gave the jewel between her cheeks a hard tap. “The rest of the rules, Francesca.”

The pink in her cheeks deepened to a bright red that nearly matched her hair. “Ummm. Be quiet when we’re watching a scene. If I have questions, tap you twice on the arm and you’ll take me somewhere private to discuss.” She lifted a hand to her neck, her fingers fluttering over the simple pink and white collar he’d placed there after their meal. “And, most importantly, I belong to you. If anyone touches me, I’m to tell you right away. Because Daddy doesn’t share.”

“Good girl.” Leaning down, he brushed a kiss over her full, siren-red lips. A small reward for a job well done, and her eyes were alight with pleasure and pride when he lifted his head again.

Shane wasn’t the only one who enjoyed being praised.

“Now that I know you remember the rules, I expect you to obey all of them. The scene I have planned for tonight is one we’ll both enjoy, but I can adjust as needed if you can’t behave yourself. And I’d hate for your first official public scene to be a punishment.”

Cocking her head to the side, she studied him. “I’m not sure I believe that.”

Busted. While he would enjoy the scene he had planned, there was something deep inside him that craved more. That wanted her begging for mercy as he pushed every single one of her limits to the brink.

“You’re not wrong,” he said, letting a slow, predatory smile curve his lips. “But believe me when I say thatyouwould not enjoy your punishment nearly as much as I would. Because naughty girls don’t get Daddy’s cock, and they sure as hell don’t get orgasms. Am I making myself clear, Francesca?”

She inhaled sharply, her eyes going wide, and even in the dim lighting he could see the need swirling in the dark depths. “Yes, Daddy.”

“Now that we understand each other…” He pushed the door open, revealing the crowded space beyond. Leather cracked against flesh, moans of pleasure and pain filled the air, and the scent of sweat and sex greeted them as they stepped inside. “Welcome to the pit.”


Heart pounding against her rib cage, she stepped past Holden into what could only be described as a den of iniquity. All around her were people in various states of undress, some simply wandering around from station to station, while others were up on platforms, their bodies on display as they writhed in pain.

Or maybe it was pleasure.

Maybe it was both.

She desperately wanted both.

“This may be the first time in my life I’ve ever felt overdressed,” she said with a nervous laugh. She wasn’t used to feeling out of place anywhere, with the exception of her own home, and it wasn’t a feeling she particularly enjoyed.

“And still the most beautiful girl in the room.”

Looking up, she cocked an eyebrow in Holden’s direction. “Flattery will get you everywhere with me.”

His grin was full of wicked promise. “I’m certainly hoping so.”

The easy, smooth response surprised a laugh out of her, and some of the tension melted from her body as he slipped an arm around her waist. Keeping a firm hold on her, Holden guided her from one platform to the next, stopping often to murmur an explanation of what she was seeing in her ear.

“That’s Mistress Rogue,” he whispered when they paused at the base of one of the taller platforms. On the stage stood a woman in a dark purple corset and leather pants that showed off every inch of her gorgeous curves. Her dark hair was pulled back away from her face, and her cat-eye glasses looked sharp enough to kill a man.

Frankie was a little in awe of her. And more than a little terrified.

Up on the platform, Mistress Rogue smirked, and even though Frankie was safely down on the floor, a chill raced up her spine at the gesture. The awe-inspiring woman stepped forward and even through the din of the other scenes and conversations happening around them, her heels clicked ominously against the wood.

“You’ve been a very naughty boy, haven’t you, Diego?”