Page 155 of Daddy, Sir

“One more. This one is gonna be the worst.”

I didn't know how anything could be worse than any of the first nine, which had all been pretty awful, but he spoke the truth. When the belt lashed across my heated ass a final time, it hit harder and seemed to linger longer. It was all I could take. The pain and absolution hit at the same time, and I collapsed, sobbing against the arm of the couch, grabbing my ass as I cried as if I could wrap it up in a hug.

And then Zeke’s arms wrapped around me and pulled me up. He wrapped me tightly in his arms and carried me to the couch, where he sat me in his lap. And that’s when I felt it.

Zeke was hard. Through his jeans, his cock pressed into my aching ass. I stilled, rigid. What did it mean?

I reminded myself that I’d gotten wet during the earlier punishment and this wasn’t any different, but I couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that wrapped itself around me even as Zeke hugged me tightly, wiped my tears, and whispered words of paise.

Zeke was a great Daddy. I was getting so much out of this arrangement. I was going to be sad when it was over in a week. But Zeke would probably be relieved. He wasn’t getting anything out of it except a brat invading his home.

As that truth washed over me, the truth that I couldn't give him what he needed, the tears fell fresh, and Zeke hugged meharder. And because I didn't dare voice what I was thinking, I just let him.

Chapter Five


“I'm sorry you're not getting anything out of this,” Lola said with a sigh, her eyes downcast, her gaze on her plate.

I furrowed my brow. Was this about the fact that she’d felt me get turned on when I spanked her earlier? Hell, of course I had. Any red-blooded male would. She was gorgeous, and even more alluring now that she was leaving something to the imagination. But just because I wasn't getting sex out of this didn't mean I wasn't getting anything out of it. I needed to make sure she knew that.

“Lola.” I spoke as sternly as I could in my ‘Daddy means business’ tone, and just as I'd intended, caught her immediate attention. Her chin jerked up as her wide eyes met my stern gaze. I held her attention for a moment, then softened my tone. “That's not true, babygirl.”

“What isn't?” She tilted her head and her lips parted ever so slightly as she questioned me.

“That I'm not getting anything out of it.” I narrowed my eyes and looked at her pointedly. “You said you’d learned in therapythat your body and sex didn’t determine your worth, that you'd learned you had value beyond those things, but that sentence makes me think otherwise.”

Her brows furrowed as the corners of her mouth furled downward and her lips pushed into a pout. “Well, no, I didn't mean it like that. I know I have worth outside of being a pretty face and warm body for men, but I just don't know what you're getting out of this. You've turned your whole life upside down for me, and for what?”

My heart clenched at her sad expression and the conviction with which she spoke. I'd kept my feelings hidden so as not to put any kind of pressure on her, but it seemed like it was time to lay all my cards on the table.

Taking a deep breath, I covered her hand with mine. “Friendship, for one,” I said sincerely.

The little brat rolled her eyes. “I would have been your friend, anyway,” she huffed. “If I knew you needed a friend.”

This wasn't going to be as easy as I'd thought, and directness wasn't my strong suit. “I have friends,” I answered gently. “Not that one can ever have too many. What I wanted was to beyourfriend.”

She looked even more suspicious and disbelieving, so obviously I was flubbing this all up. Time to get real and pray I didn't scare her off.

“Lola. I've always been interested in you. And not just in a lustful way. I've been drawn to your dazzling smile and fiery attitude, and yeah, I've thought more than once about tipping you over my knee and spanking the sass right out of you. But that's not all it's about. I volunteered because your speech, everything you said moved me, and I wanted not only to help, but to have an opportunity to get to know such a strong, beautiful woman better. So if you want to know what I'm getting out of this, it's that. Those things.”

She nodded, but didn't look convinced. Then there was a flicker of hope in her eyes as they jumped up to meet mine. “You think I'm strong? A-and… beautiful?”

I squeezed her hand. “I thought it then, and I think it even more now that I've gotten to know you better.”

She smiled then, wide and bright, the smile that always warmed my heart. The conversation could have stopped there, but I knew it wouldn't be right.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, Lola seemed to come to the same conclusion. “S-so… you don’t want to have sex with me? You don’t see me like that?” Her expression, a confused mix of despair and relief, broke me.

There was no right answer. I had to give the honest one.

Frowning, I twisted my mouth to the side, choosing my words carefully. “Now, I didn't say that, young lady. And I wouldn't, because I promised I would never lie to you.”

Her eyes widened and her expression turned to one of concern as she yanked her hand away from mine like I'd burned her. The poor thing. I tried not to let it bother me. Her relationship with sex was a complicated one.

“What I mean is,” I continued, clearing my throat, “this isn't about sex. Sex isn't the end goal here. I didn't agree to do this for sex; I agreed to do it for the reasons I've already given. I can be interested in having sex with you and be attracted to you and be fine if it never happens. I don't feel like you owe me sex because of our arrangement. It's not transactional. I knew I'd get something out of it, and I am.”

“Oh, okay.” Lola’s hand found its way out of her lap and back onto the table but I didn't grab it. Not yet.