Page 153 of Daddy, Sir

“Do tell.” Zeke’s tone held not an ounce of censure, and that helped me have the courage to go on.

“I feel guilty about the way I acted as Archer’s client, and at the club afterward with Audrey.” My cheeks burned as I remembered how kind she’d been to me after I showed up at the club and asked for a second chance.

Zeke nodded. “I’ll admit, babygirl, I don’t know too much about all that. Why don’t you tell me what happened and why you still feel guilty about it?”

And so I did. Every excruciating detail. Byt the time I finished recounting the tale, my cheeks were hot with shame, and tears were tracking down my cheeks. But when I looked at Zeke all I saw was concern and a sad understanding.

“You know, the girl you just described is not at all the woman you’ve become, right?”

“Yes, Daddy.” I nodded because mostly, I did know that.

“But you still feel guilty about it?”

Again, I nodded.

“And you think being punished for it would help?”

“I… I think so?” It had to, right? Nothing else seemed to, and I knew physical punishment could be powerful. I’d heard it, I’d seen it, I’d experienced it, I believed it.

“And you want me to be the one to punish you?” There was a tone in his voice that seemed to suggest someone else would be better, an idea that panicked me.

“It can only be you.” I didn't trust anyone else. I didn't trust myself with anyone else.

“Okay.” Zeke nodded. “Okay, I’ll punish you.”

“You… you will?” I squeaked. I wasn’t sure why I was so surprised.

“It won’t be an easy punishment, babygirl.”

“I know.” I paused a beat, suddenly self-conscious. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“I do. But not tonight. Tonight we are going to watch a movie and eat ice cream because you were such a good girl today.”

“Oh.” I was glad not have to give up what sounded like a nice evening, but confused by the delay. “When, then?”

“Tomorrow before dinner. After your therapist's appointment, so you can talk to her about it first.”

“Okay.” I smiled. The fact that Zeke had remembered my therapy appointment and considered it warmed my heart. It was just another reason he was the only one I’d trust with something like this.

As I sat there equally hopeful and dreading tomorrow, he stood and cleared the table, taking our dishes to the kitchen and loading the dishwasher like he always did. He still refused to let me help.

I secretly didn’t mind, but tonight I would have welcomed the distraction. Even washing dishes would have been betterthan thinking about what kind of punishment I was facing tomorrow.


“Tomorrow after dinner” came too fast and so slowly all at once. It had been on both our minds all day; I had seen it every time Zeke looked at me. By the time my appointment with Dr. Sara rolled around, I’d been hoping she’d tell me it was a bad idea, and to tell him she’d said so.

But I was pretty sure Dr. Sara had a sadistic streak, because she’d just raised both of her eyebrows, smirked, and said “be sure to let me know how that goes”.

When I came out of my room after the call ended, Zeke was waiting for me. The chair he always sat in when he spanked me had been dragged to the middle of the living room. My stomach sank when I saw it. This was real.

“What did Dr. Sara say?” he asked.

If I lied, this didn’t go any further. But it would compound the guilt rather than solve it. I sighed. “She said to let her know how it goes.”

He chortled. “I like her.”

“Yeah, so you’ve said.” I scowled because I was nervous, and he didn’t scold me for it like he usually would.