He raised a brow. “A little overboard, don’t you think? Sit down, Lola. I won’t ask again.”
Against all my better judgment, I stared him square in the eye as I stomped a foot in his direction. “No.”
“No? You’re telling Daddy ‘no’ after I gave you a direct command?”
Butterflies took flight in my belly at his low, menacing tone. Everything inside me screamed at me to submit and do what I was told, but I wasn’t really known for listening to myself, so why would this time be any different?
I lifted my chin defiantly. “I’m going to my room.”
I made it three steps before his vice-like grip was at my elbow and pulling me in the opposite direction I’d been heading.
“Let go!” I tugged, but obviously it made zero impact on him.
Turning a chair away from the table, he sat down and stood me between his knees. His hands held tight to my waist, making it impossible to get away.
“Lola, listen to me. Your safeword is red and if you use it, I’ll let go and allow you to walk out the door, but if you do that, we’re finished. I will not cater to you trying to run away whenever things get hard or something happens that you don’t like. That’s self-sabotage, and I will not stand for it. If you need me to stop what I’m doing and listen to you, or if you seriously need some alone time, you can use ‘yellow’. I will respect your safewords and I won’t be angry if you use either one. Understand?”
Say ‘red’. Say it and leave. This was a stupid idea and will never work.
No, don’t say it. You need this. You’ll never be able to truly heal without this. He’s right, you can’t run every time things get hard.
Watch me.
Chapter Three
It was a complete tug-o-war game in my head and I wasn’t sure which side would ultimately win out, which scared me. Both choices were terrifying in their own right.
“If you don’t use either word, then I’m going to assume I can proceed with what I plan to do, which is to spank your naughty bottom for being obstinate and rude. And you will still be getting a spanking before bed for being late to lunch.”
“I thought I already got punished for that! You took my phone away.”
“That was part of your punishment. I’m a firm believer in layers of discipline. Even if you earn lines, cornertime, or restrictions, you will still get spanked.”
“That seems excessive.” I pouted. This had become even more real. With Archer, the only consequence I’d ever faced had been a spanking, and maybe a few minutes in the corner beforehand.
“It’s effective. Right now, though, you’re getting spanked for not doing as you were told. Take your pants off, please. You can keep your panties on. I’ll move them when I’m ready.”
I didn’t like being the one to take my pants down for a spanking, although Archer had also made me do it when I was part of the Rent-A-Daddy program. I’d been hoping Zeke would be different. He was. Just not, apparently, in this way.
“I’m trying to be patient because it’s your first day here, but I’m getting very tired of repeating myself, babygirl. When Daddy issues a command, I expect complete and swift obedience.”
“Can’t you do it?” I whimpered. All of the bravado had left my body and mind, and I truly felt like a naughty little girl. Had it started when he called himself Daddy or when he called me babygirl? Both had done inexplicable things to my tummy. We won’t talk about where else it was doing things. My therapist would be so mad.
“I can, and I might sometimes in the future, but right now you need to be a participant in your own discipline, and this is one of the things you will need to do before I punish you. It’s my way of making sure you’re accepting responsibility for your actions.”
Well, didn’t that just completely suck? But what could I do? Call ‘red’ and just end this all and never get absolution? Call yellow and postpone the inevitable? Every single choice sucked, and it was all my fault.
I dropped my gaze to his lap and unbuttoned my jeans. Hooking my thumbs in my waistband, I tugged them down to about mid-thigh and straightened back up.
Zeke shook his head. “What was my instruction?”
For not having patience like he’d said, he sure did like to draw things out.
I repeated what I thought he told me to do. “You told me to take my pants down and leave my panties.”
“I said ‘off’. Not ‘down’. I’ll be adding extra swats for not listening.”