Page 14 of Daddy, Sir

“Okay.” A wide yawn stretched her jaw. Tatiana shook her head. She couldn’t be this tired again.

“It’s the meds, Tati. They zap your energy but keep you from hurting. Let me clean up the kitchen and then we’ll get you ready for bed.”


She was almost asleep when he brushed his fingers through her hair. “Mmm,” she protested.

“I know, Tati. A quick wash and then bed.”

“Bed,” she repeated.

A minute later, she blinked into the bright light of the bathroom and grabbed the edge of the vanity instinctively to hold on. She watched him turn on the faucet and adjust it. Not long after, he wet a washcloth and squeezed it out.

“Hands,” he requested. When she held them out, he washed them.

The warm water felt amazing. The sensation of the material sliding over her skin made Tatiana feel cherished. It had been a long time since anyone had treated her with such tenderness. Tears ran down her cheeks.

“Little girl, you’re breaking my heart. Can you tell me your story?” the captain asked. He rinsed the cloth and moved to wipe her scant makeup off her face.

Damn, that felt good. Tatiana looked up at him and found him watching her with such concern she felt she needed to tell him the truth.

“A bunch of poor decisions. I dropped out of college because I was in love. He was a charmer, but unfortunately, I wasn’t the only one he was charming. When I left, he became violent. I don’t think he ever loved me. He just didn’t want anyone to not worship him.”

“I’m glad you’re away from him.” The captain dried her face as if to prevent her from being cold.

“Me, too. Hopefully, he won’t find me again.”

“Again?” He moved on to her neck.

The tender care reassured her, and she told him more. “This is the third place I’ve moved this year. Somehow, he keeps tracking me down. I’ve checked for trackers and come up empty. This last time, I abandoned everything—my car, my clothing, my furniture. Thank goodness Hugo was in my purse.”

“Let’s get this blouse off you.” He unfastened the button at the back of the neck and drew it over her head.

Tatiana closed her eyes, not wanting to see the disdain she was sure would be on his face at the sight of her worn cotton bra. Hardly sexy underthings to attract a man.

“So lovely,” he said gently as he washed and dried the skin he had uncovered.

She peeked up at him. He looked—hungry. He wasn’t disappointed in her.

“May I take this off so we can get your pjs on?”

“I don’t really have pajamas.”

“Would a nightshirt work?” he asked. When she nodded, he held up a finger for her to wait and walked briskly from the room. He returned in a short time with a T-shirt. “One of mine should work. You hold this.”

Automatically, she took the soft material when he handed it to her. He whisked off her bra and quickly cleaned and dried her skin as she held her breath. The brush of his hand inadvertently against her skin sent shivers of arousal through her.

“I’m sorry, Tati. I’m making you cold.” He took the shirt from her hands and threaded it over her head.

“I’m not cold,” she whispered when her face emerged from the fabric.

The captain cupped her chin and leaned forward to kiss her gently. “I have some shivers myself. Let’s get you to feeling better so we can enjoy those together. Okay?”


In a jiffy, he had her legs and feet bathed. She only giggled a bit when he touched her ticklish spots.

“Arms around my neck,” he directed.