I’ve told myself over and over not to dump out the contents of my heart immediately. I should take some time to get reacquainted with him first. Test the waters. Maybe some subtle flirting, like wearing tiny shorts and tight tank tops in the early mornings.
I don’t wear a bra very often anyway, but I wonder how Dagger will react to seeing my loose tits and hard nipples. Can I possibly woo him into noticing me?
Dagger finally eases me down his body, putting me back on my feet. He keeps one hand on my bottom as though making sure my skirt doesn’t rise up. He stops me from mooningeveryone in the airport. It’s sweet. It’s very Daddyish. But maybe it’s just how he is and not a reflection of how he sees me in particular.
He cups my face and smiles at me. “It’s so good to see you. Let’s get your suitcases and get you home.”
I like the way he says that, as if his home is already mine. I smile back and hug him again, never wanting to let go.
Dagger lifts my pink backpack without a word and props it up on one shoulder before taking my hand and leading me toward the baggage carousels.
I’m surprised and already pleased. He’s holding my hand… It’s more than I could have hoped for. So was the hug and lifting me off my feet. My heart races with possibilities.
Surely, I’m reading too much into this. It can’t be this easy. I’m not even certain the man knows I’m Little.
Luggage is already coming around on the conveyor, and Dagger points to a large suitcase as it comes into view. “Let me guess, that one?”
I giggle and nod. When was the last time I giggled? It feels good.
Dagger releases my hand to grab the hot-pink suitcase from the moving belt and doesn’t even ask as he spots my second suitcase and grabs it, too. “Is this everything, Naomi?”
I nod. I almost respond withyes, Sir, but manage to refrain. We’re not there yet. So far, everything between us is making me hopeful, but I could be reading too much into it.
He stares at me for a moment, hesitating before he finally takes my chin and tips my head back. His dark-blue eyes seem to reach into my soul. His brows are slightly furrowed. He seems to be searching for something.
I sway closer to him. The rest of the world disappears around us. The hundreds of people hurrying to find their bags and get onwith their lives are nonexistent. All I know is the beat of my heart in my ears and the intensity in Dagger’s gaze.
Finally, he speaks. “Words, babygirl. Is this everything?”
I swallow hard as the Earth stops spinning. Dagger knows. He knows. I can’t begin to imagine what this means for me or us, but I’m relieved. I lick my lips. “Yes, Sir.”
He gives me a slow smile. “Good girl. Let’s go home.”
I’m shaking with hope and excitement as he releases me. He shrugs my backpack higher on his shoulder, lines up my two suitcases back-to-back so he can pull them together, and takes my hand in his again.
“Stay close, and don’t let go. I don’t want to lose you in this crowd.”
My panties are now soaked. My ears are ringing. I can’t believe the man I’ve lusted after and prayed could one day be my own Daddy is Daddying me. I hope I’m not imagining things.
I hold his hand tightly as he leads me through the crowd and out to the parking lot. I’m trembling with promise as we make our way through the rows of cars before Dagger stops at a black SUV. He releases me to open the back and puts all my bags inside.
I feel cherished and cared for in a way I’ve dreamed about for years. If I’m misjudging this, I’m going to be very disappointed.
Dagger closes the hatch, sets a hand on the small of my back, and guides me to the passenger door. After he opens it, he surprises me yet again by picking me up by the hips and depositing me in the front seat. He even pulls out the seatbelt and reaches across to buckle me in.
Before ducking his head back out of the car, he pauses and kisses my forehead, lingering for a few precious seconds that mean the world to me. I’m panting when he closes the door. I have about ten seconds to pull myself together before he climbsinto the driver’s seat, starts the car, and turns to look at me. “Ready?”
“Yes, Sir.” I’m more than ready.
Chapter Three
I can’t believe what’s happening. I did not plan this or see it going down this way. I couldn’t even be sure she would ever be interested in me as a Daddy figure.
I still can’t be certain what her feelings are without asking, nor will I be posing such an important question while we’re driving into Seattle. But something seemed to click into place the moment I swept her off the floor.