The one she put off until last, was the only one that was unlocked. Despite all the changes and upgrades, her mother still hadn’t gotten around to fixing the wonky lock on the downstairs bathroom window. The problem was that Jamie’s hips were considerably wider than the last time she’d climbed through that window, thirteen years ago, and it had been a tight fit then.
She stared at the opening dubiously and sighed as she waffled over her choices. Finally, after too much wasted time, she decided she might as well make the attempt. That… turned out to be a mistake.
Halfway through the window she got stuck. She couldn’t go any further in, and when she tried to wiggle back, that didn’t work either. “Fuck!” she shouted into the empty bathroom. Her legs kicked wildly as she tried to move one way or the other, and in the process, she slammed her knee into the siding.
That caused a long stream of curses, which didn’t really help and just left her out of breath. Fear was starting to set in. What if she couldn’t get free? Her mother wouldn’t be back for days.That song about ‘dumb ways to die’ was playing on repeat in the back of her head.
“Well, this isn’t something you see every day.”
She jerked, startled by the sudden voice behind her and then winced as her stomach scraped against the frame. “Help me, I’m stuck!” She didn’t know who it was, and she didn’t care, as long as they got her out of the window.
“Alright, hold on a second.” There was a long pause. “Um, I’m going to need to touch you. That okay?”
Was he… was he really asking for consent right now? “Yes,of courseyou can,” she said through gritted teeth.
“Just checking. This is going to get a little personal.”
A large pair of hands settled on her hips and gripped, as an embarrassed heat crawled up her neck and flooded her face. It had been a while since anyone had held her like that, and the situation had been very different.
He started by tugging gently to one side, and then the other, trying to work her back through the frame, but she was wedged pretty tightly, and all it did was chafe her skin.
After a few minutes of that, she protested, “That’s really starting to hurt.”
“Sorry about that.” He stopped pulling and was quiet.
She could almost feel him staring at her ass. The position was so vulnerable, and it made her twitchy. “Maybe you could push me through?”
“Worth a try.”
He planted his hands directly on her ass cheeks, and a panicked squeaking sound burst from her. “Hey!”
“Sorry to get handsy, but I’m not sure how else to do it.” He didn’t sound sorry. If anything, he sounded amused, but she couldn’t blame him.
She hadn’t really thought out the logistics of being pushed through the window, or how much more personal his handswould have to get. Now she was rethinking it. “Wait, maybe—” But just then he pushed, and she actually felt her position loosen as she slid forward. “Don’t stop! It’s working!”
He pushed again and she wiggled another inch forward. “Wish we had some lube,” he commented.
Her mind went to the wrong place, but then she realized what he meant. It wasn’t any less embarrassing, just more appropriate for the situation. “I think we’re getting there though. This is helping.”
“I have an idea.” His hands left her ass and a second later, he had grabbed her ankles and was lifting her legs. “Keep wiggling forward,” he suggested, in a strained voice.
With her legs now even with the windowsill, it shifted her center of gravity and suddenly she was able to pull herself straight through with no trouble at all. He held on until her knees were inside, and then he let her go.
She fell forward onto the floor with an ‘Oomph!’ that was muffled by the fluffy bathmat pressed against her face. She took a second to just lie there and consider the choices that had led to this situation.
“Are you okay?”
Oh right. The guy. She rolled over and sat up, knowing her face was bright red, both from exertion and embarrassment. He was leaning his arms on the sill and had poked his head through to look at her.
“I’m good. Thanks for the uh, assist. I’m not sure how I would have managed if you hadn’t happened—” She stopped and frowned as a thought occurred to her. “Um, not to be ungrateful… but whyareyou in my mother’s backyard?”
He laughed, and it was familiar sounding somehow. “Lucky timing, I guess? Actually, I came over to see if you were here. Someone told me you’d be in town for the reunion, so I figured I’d come say hi. I was about to knock, when I heard someoneswearing like a drunk soldier on leave, so I came around to check and… saw the most interesting sight.”
Her face couldn’t get any redder, but it tried. She could just imagine what she’d looked like, stuck the way she’d been. And that thought was so all-consuming that she didn’t immediately understand the rest of what he’d said. Then it clicked.
He’d come to seeher. That meant he wasn’t a stranger at all.
She hadn’t actually taken a good look at him until just that second. He was gorgeous, with thick, though short, dark hair and deep blue eyes. His jawline looked like it had been carved out of stone, and there was just the slightest shadow of stubble to give it depth.