Page 99 of Daddy, Sir

“Most guys make a girl wait a few days before even calling them.”

“I’m not most guys. And I’m working on a deadline.” He grinned at her, though it wasn’t actually a happy thought. But because hewason a deadline, he wanted her to know he was serious.

“I’m kind of surprised Claudia didn’t warn you away,” she commented rather than giving him an answer. Something was making her hesitate. It wasn’t the sex. It might be his job. She was already spending all her time worrying about the women she helped and Claudia. Maybe she didn’t want to add another name to that list.

Or maybe it was something else. He was determined to get to the bottom of it, but first, he needed to address the idea that he was going to let Claudia boss him around.

“Who says she didn’t?”

That made her laugh, and he felt her relax a little.

“Not too many men would dare defy her,” she said teasingly. “The fact that your whole group agreed she’s the scary one means you already know.”

“Fair enough. Though the reason we find her scary is because of what she likes to do to men’s sensitive bits. Which she would never do without consent. We’re just scared of how much she clearly enjoys it.” Even thinking about it made him want to wince.

Obviously, the submissives Claudia scened with were into it—she didn’t scene with anyone who didn’t enjoy some cock and ball torture—but he found it hard to watch. The gleeful expression she had whenever she was caging, squeezing, or electrocuting some poor bastard’s dick only added to the nightmare fuel. He’d rather face Claudia the Sniper than Claudia the Domme.

Naomi giggled, clearly having very little sympathy for his fear.

“So,” he said, turning the subject back to what he wanted. “What can I do to convince you to go to dinner with me tomorrow?”


Why was she hesitating? That was the real question.

Drew was gorgeous, funny, liked her sassy side, clearly very interested, and so far, had been really easy to talk to. She liked him. A lot. Had felt attracted to him immediately. And holy fuck had he rocked her world.

So, what was holding her back? It had better not be James. Dammit. She was not going to less one asshole ruin her dating life.

“Nothing. I want to go to dinner with you,” she said firmly.

“But you hesitated.”

“I just said yes.” She said that a little sulkily, not really liking being called out on her hesitation. Hadn’t she just given him the answer he wanted? She didn’t really want to have to explain about her ex right now.

“After hesitating.” Drew studied her expression. “If dinner is too much, too soon, then maybe we can have a phone date tomorrow night?”

The fact that he was working to accommodate her rather than getting insulted made her feel even worse. Deep down, she knew why she was hesitating. She just hadn’t wanted to face it.

“Is the Daddy thing a twenty-four-seven dynamic for you?” That was the best way she could think of to face the subject. It had been hot in the bedroom. Far hotter than she’d expected it to be. She had absolutely no objection to calling him Daddy in the bedroom. Or even in private.

But she wasn’t sure how it went, and she wouldn’t be calling him Daddy while they were out to dinner or in front of their friends and family. Well, maybe their friends. If they were in the club. Not outside of it, though.

Thankfully, he didn’t get mad. He smiled at her.

“Is that your worry?” He chuckled. “No, it’s not twenty-four-seven for me. I guess it could be if someone wanted it. I’m always going to do certain things. I can’t help it. I’ll want to take care of you, but that doesn’t mean you’ll need to call me ‘Daddy’ all the time or that I’ll even act like one.”

“I liked it more than I thought I would,” she offered as a kind of apology for not wanting to do it all the time.

“Oh, yeah?” A smug, lazy smile spread across his lips as he rolled her onto her back, wedging himself between her thighs again. She wasn’t as sensitive as she had been before, but she still whimpered when he touched parts of her still buzzing from the overstimulation.

“Yeah, Daddy.” She wound her arms around his neck. “I did.”

Heat flared in his eyes again… but the knock at the door interrupted what might very well have been the beginning of round two. Which might be the best thing for her poor pussy. She wasn’t actually sure she could orgasm again at this point—or if she’d want to even if she could.

The knock came again, and Drew groaned, pushing himself up from the bed and going over to open it.

Naomi didn’t bother pulling the sheets over herself, though she did sit up. Drew’s large frame blocked most of the doorway, but she saw enough to recognize Master Gavin, the owner of theclub. A total silver fox and a divorcee, though he still scened regularly with his ex-wife at the Outlands.