Page 79 of Daddy, Sir

“Welcome back.”

She might be awake but she wasn’t yet back with me. I stroked her cheek with my thumb. “You had a bit of subdrop.”

“A bit?” She wiggled to rearrange herself into a more comfortable position in my arms. “I’m pretty sure I dropped straight through the basement and wound up somewhere pretty close to the center of the earth.”

I chuckled and bent to kiss her forehead. “Consider me corrected. Watching you come so many times, witnessing yousquirting, seeing you so in touch with what you needed that you lost all sense of boundaries… that was hot as fuck.”

Her face began to regain some color as she flushed, but when she attempted to look away, I cupped her chin and tilted her head until she looked up at me. “You were incredible. I have never felt as honored?—”

“You don’t have to say that. How can you say that? I peed?—”

“You didn’t pee, you squirted?—”

“All over the table! I’ll have to throw it out and?—”

Shaking my head, I dropped my hand from her chin and slid it to the back of her head. “Squirting isn’t pee, Fiona, it’s cum.”

Her eyes went the size of saucers. “No way.”

For a submissive who’d played in clubs, she could be naive. Then again, she’d told me her main purpose in going had been to find the release she needed that only came from a spanking. She’d had sex with various partners, but even that had been limited. In her own words, she was perfectly capable of getting herself off at home, but spanking her own butt didn’t offer anywhere near the same sensations or relief she craved.

“Yes way. Or if it helps, it’s also referred to as female ejaculate and is cum combined with?—”

Her hand over my mouth cut me off. “Let’s just leave the rest to the imagination, okay? If I find I need more info, that’s why they invented Google search.”

I took her hand and pulled it away but only far enough so that I could lean forward and kiss her palm. “Fair enough, but you’ve done that twice. Consider this the last free pass on the whole hand over my mouth thing. Okay?”

Fiona had the grace to blush. “I can’t promise I won’t, but I will promise to try. Will that work?”

“That will work just fine because every time you demonstrate your inability to remember, you will end up over my lap getting my hand applied to your ass. Understood?”

“Yes, Daddy.” Her affirmation came with a little squirm that was followed by her eyes widening again. “How can you be so hard again? How long was I out?”

“Not that long, and, babygirl, all I have to do is look at you to get hard, and when you add a bit of squirming on top of my dick, well, nature just takes over. Though there is no ‘again’ involved here. I’ve been hard ever since I put your toy in place.”

Her smile reminded me of the Cheshire cat and I could practically see her back arching in feline pleasure… until her nose crinkled.

“You didn’t come?” She didn’t wait for my response before she yanked the quilt from around her. “Oh my god. How is that possible? You poor thing.”

I almost swallowed my tongue in an attempt not to burst out laughing as she wiggled off my lap only to kneel at my side and actually run her fingers up and down my dick as if she were petting some abandoned animal. But when she gently kissed the crown and slid the tip of her tongue into the slit, all thought left my head… at least the one between my shoulders.

Fee smiled. “Just relax, Daddy. I’ve got you.”

The next time I woke, the room was bright and Fiona was missing from my side which was unusual. She normally had to be coaxed to wake up and leave the bed. A glance at my watch told me I’d slept like the dead. It was almost ten. For someone who was up by six every morning, it was disorienting. Flipping back the covers, I padded to the bathroom to pee and was going to wait to shower with Fiona when I realized the towel bar had not one but two towels draped over it. She’d obviously beaten meto the shower and had done so long enough ago that the towel she’d wrapped around her wet hair had been returned to the bathroom.

Changing my mind, I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants out of the dresser drawer she’d declared as mine for the few times we stayed at her house. Adding a t-shirt, I didn’t bother with shoes before going to find my girl.

“Who are you and what have you done with my Fee?” I asked as I strode across the kitchen and used a foot to push the screen door wider before bending to take the large, white cooler from her. “You should have waited for me.”

“You looked so cute all snuggled up and you worked so hard yesterday, you deserve the rest, Daddy.”

I carried the cooler to the sink, having to step around the two that were already on the floor. “Babygirl, you didn’t have to do all this by yourself.”

“It wasn’t that much. The guys helped clean up before they left. This is just the last of it. Oh, did you shower?”

“I did. Unfortunately, it was alone.”

“Sorry.” She wrapped her arms around my waist. “I would have waited but, even as amazing as yesterday was and all those orgasms gloriously satisfying”—she gave a full body shudder—“just ick.”