“Because you couldn’t hop high enough to see over the heads of your squad mates?”
I smiled. “Very cute. Though I suppose that was also true, the reason was so I could watch you. You’ve always had this ability to read an opposing team, know exactly which player to throw the ball to, and when the outcome of the play depended on just you. The way you moved, the effortless way you dodged the defensive players was like watching a ballet.”
Landon’s laugh warmed me as did his smile as he flicked on the blinker and pulled into a parking lot. “A ballet huh?”
Realizing how unlikely that must have sounded, I still nodded. “Yes, a ballet… only there was a whole lot more grunting and a great deal of butt slapping. Hey, do you think that has anything to do with, well, you know… planting the kink seed in you?”
“Seeing as how I never had the slightest desire to play anything other than sports with the guys, my first reaction is a vehement denial,” Landon said as he pulled into a space. “Butwhen paired with the fact I did my damndest to win every game just so I could watch you contorting your body and screaming out in pleasure, I have to consider it a possibility.”
We looked at each other and grinned. “Very well put, Cap—no, you said that was the wrong rank, though you said you were in the military. What rank did you leave the service with?”
“Major, but I didn’t leave, not completely. I’m still in the Army Reserves.”
“Ahh, can’t give up all that bossing people about, huh?”
“I’m not sure I’d call it bossing. More like offering leadership to those who need to know they are in a safe place before they can let go. That they are going to be okay under my watch.”
Though his expression gave nothing away, I knew he wasn’t talking about anyone in the service, at least not those serving in the armed forces. Was he referring to his clientele… or perhaps some special someone. Someone who’d taken my place?
Seriously, Fiona? You haven’t been his special anyone since you were a teenager. Just be glad he didn’t kick you to the curb now that you do need his help.
Was I the only person whose inner voice seemed to constantly be calling her out?
“Um, Landon, when I said I think we were always meant to be, I didn’t mean I-I expect you have to believe the same. We were kids back then and hearts were easier to break and hurts were bigger.” I paused, not having planned on going this deep this fast, but suddenly knew I needed to say it. “What I mean is, I’m not asking you to pick up where we left off as if nothing has happened. I know I’m not what you wanted, and I’m not expecting anything… well, outside of this case, that is. I’m afraid I’m going to be a little selfish as you… your team make me feel safe for the first time in a very long while. But if it’s going to be awkward or difficult for you or if there is a Mrs. Major Westerlyor a woman you’re dating or a… a submissive you’re Mastering, then I?—”
“There isn’t,” Landon said, cutting me off.
“No. Not for a while now.”
“I know you said you’d never married. Not currently dating?—”
“Because I’m not. I’ve never really been one for casual dating.”
His eyes closed for the briefest moment, then opened. “What about playing? Any current Dom?”
My breath caught in my throat as he reached for me, his hand slipping behind my waist to pull me closer, his other moving to splay against the nape of my neck, fingers twining into my hair. My sex sent up a shout of need when he fisted his hand and tugged my head back.
“In my office, do you remember how you asked me how I could know you were going to punch me a second time?”
“It’s because I know you, the true you. Granted, I might not know everything about what you’ve done in the last few years, but I’ve known the little girl inside the grown woman since she was five years old. Years may go by, paths may diverge from the one we thought we’d take, but a hundred years could pass and I’d still know you.”
He came closer, lowering his head until I could feel his breath on my lips.
“And you asked about cookies. Babygirl, I can’t eat one unless you are there to share it with me. I stopped asking myself how that made any sense a long time ago. I just accepted the fact that when you stared up at me with your flaming hair and blazingemerald eyes, you weren’t just an angry skinny little kid. You were an ancient Irish goddess demanding justice… and I was lost. I may have stolen your cookie, but know you stole my heart that day. I guess I was just waiting for you to come knock some sense into me.”
With tears in my eyes and my heartbeat pounding in my ears, I moaned, “Don’t… not if you don’t mean it. I-I don’t think I could live if you walked away from me again.”
“I haven’t lived since the moment I did.”
His forehead rested against mine. Our words whispered and yet resonating as loud as thunder.