Page 6 of Daddy, Sir

At five to ten, he stood and opened the door. With a smile at Tatiana when she looked up, Jack said, “I’m ready when you are.”

Tatiana immediately gathered two stacks of files and his coffee from the shop. As she walked toward him, she handedhim the cup and said, “I hope this isn’t too cold. I didn’t want to interrupt you. We could heat it in the microwave.”

“It’s fine. Thank you.”

“I sent that response email to your mailbox for your approval.”

They reviewed the files. The one in Tatiana’s ‘yes’ stack matched with his assessment. The others were definitely not anything he needed to be involved in. One more positive mark in Tatiana’s favor.

“Let me read the email you created.” He pulled it up on his computer and read carefully.

“Well done. You balanced ‘don’t bother me’ with professional courtesy. Send these out to the others and schedule me into the one about base security.”

“Got it, Captain.”

“Are you sure you haven’t worked as an admin for the military in the past?” Jack checked.

“Not me. My mom worked for the admiral in Washington, DC, for most of her career. She never talked about anything classified, of course, but I got an insider view of all the politics and protocols. I’m enjoying this. It’s a challenge and extremely interesting.”

“I’m glad. You’ve definitely settled in quickly,” Jack told her before asking, “Can I ask you to look through these and see if there’s anything that jumps out at you as out of the ordinary?”

“Of course. Do I need any background information?” Tatiana asked.

“I’d prefer you read them cold.” Jack stood and lifted the heavy stack of files from their secure place behind his desk. When she reached to take them from him, he shook his head.

“Let me, little girl.”

“Why do you call me that?” she blurted.

“I’ve looked for my own Little for a very long time. I always imagined her to be just like you. If the term makes you uncomfortable, I’ll never use it again.”

“Can you tell?” she whispered.

“That you’re Little?” he asked. When she nodded, he continued, “No one else would know except for a Daddy Dom. There’s a hint of vulnerability to your reactions that’s more than just a result of a hard patch in life.”

“You’re a Daddy?” she asked.

“For as long as I can remember. I didn’t understand myself until I ended up in a BDSM dungeon when I was in my early twenties. I gravitated to one section of the floor. After asking a ton of questions and doing some research, I found my truth.”

“That’s neat. We probably shouldn’t discuss this here, right?”

“Daddies are drawn to a military lifestyle, Tatiana. You’ll find a lot of us. But, as you say, it’s best to discuss personal matters outside the office,” he agreed.

Tatiana nodded and realized he still held the folders. “Oh, gracious. I’m picking your mind and you’re holding twenty pounds of folders.”

She quickly opened the door between their offices and led the way to her desk. When he dropped the files on her desk with a loud thump, she laughed. “I almost had half of it cleared off.”

“You’re doing an amazing job, Tatiana. I’m very thankful I found you. Another few months without a schedule and I’d have stacks towering over me. An avalanche was becoming a true hazard,” he joked.

Her giggle went straight to his heart.

Chapter Four

Reflecting on her day as she drove home, Tatiana rated it in two different sections. The time while Captain Murphy was in the office and the hours when he wasn’t. She’d gotten a lot done throughout the day. The time she was working with the captain was so much more exciting.

“Just stop. You’ve got a good job. You don’t need to ruin it by getting gaga over your new boss,” Tatiana lectured herself in the safety of her car. “Don’t even dream anything could happen between us.”

That reprimand didn’t keep her from thinking about his handsome face and how hard his thighs had been under her weight. She’d never sat on anyone’s lap. Well, no one she wasn’t related to.