Page 51 of Daddy, Sir

“It must be impossible to get black spray paint off your lovely fingers,” he murmured, turning Bethany’s hand to reveal telltale streaks on her cuticles.

Unsurprised, Sadie crossed her arms over her chest. She didn’t say anything, nor did she look at her parents. She used to wonder why they let Bethany get away with so much shit, but it didn’t matter anymore. Daniel had her back, just like he promised.

“You have no idea. I tried to get it off, but I had to knock down that stupid brick wall, and—” Her eyes widened when Daniel held up her hand for Walt to see the traces of black paint. “What are you doing?”

“Sadie taped an eviction notice to Bethany’s door the day before my home was vandalized with black spray paint.” Daniel grimaced and let go of Bethany’s hand as if it was infectious. “Including the destruction of my retaining wall, which she just admitted to, I estimate the damage to be around twenty thousand dollars.”

“Excuse me?” Her father, apparently forgetting he wasn’t involved in the conversation, stepped between Daniel and Bethany. “How dare you accuse my daughter of a crime!”

“Sir, back the fuck off,” Daniel barked. When her father paled and skittered away, Daniel said, “I dare because she called Sadie the same ugly name she painted on my house. I also dare because you have spent your life enabling a narcissist at Sadie’s expense. It stops now, and Bethany will be paying Sadie for the repairs and five months of back rent.”

“Sadie, please,” her mother begged. “What will everyone say?”

“Mom, I honestly don’t care.” She wormed her way under Daniel’s arm and smiled happily when he embraced her. “Bethany isn’t my problem.”

“Lieutenant, do you wish to press charges?” Walt scowled at Bethany, then added, “The circumstantial evidence and her admission of guilt for the retaining wall will allow us to open a case.”

Please say yes. Please say yes.

“Unfortunately, I don’t have video evidence. Without it, Bethany won’t get the jail time she deserves.” Daniel kissed Sadie’s temple and leveled a hard glare at Bethany and their parents. “Count this as your one free pass from me, but I will be pressing charges if Sadie isn’t paid for both the damage and the back rent within ninety days.”

To her surprise, Bethany kept her mouth shut. Sadie doubted it, but maybe her sister was beginning to realize her actions had consequences.


“What do you mean?” her father asked, pulling Bethany between him and her mother.

“You will cease all contact with Sadie unless she initiates it, and you will never be allowed to abuse her financially or otherwise.” Daniel tightened his arm around her, then tilted her head up with his free hand before kissing her. “None of you deserve to breathe her air, much less speak to her, but I won’t forbid her from talking to you if she wants to.”

Cue the stomach butterflies and melty knees.

Christ. The mix of autocratic Daddy and a man doing his best to help her keep her agency…

Without another word, he turned her around and marched her into the motel as the rest of her male entourage followed. Cheers from her crew erupted the minute the door opened.

“Will you marry me?” Lourdes shouted, laughing when Jasmine poked her in the ribs. “Kidding! Marry Sadie!”

“I haven’t asked her yet,” he retorted. “Ladies, when was the last time Sadie took a vacation?”


Holy fuck.

Beatriz shrugged and glanced at the rest of the crew. “Not since I started working for her, so at least two years.”

“More like five,” Jasmine said. “And don’t let her worry about feeding us lunch anymore.”

Before Sadie could protest, he covered her mouth with his hand. “All right. Can you ladies manage without her for the rest of the week?”

“Yeah,” Lourdes said. “We’ll finish your house too.”

“Perfect.” He slapped Sadie’s ass, making her jump with surprise. “Get your stuff, babygirl. We’re out of here.”

“Wait!” Her melty knees tried to give out on her, but Daniel held her up before she faceplanted on the cheap linoleum she wished the Horsemen could afford to replace. “Where are we going, Daddy?”

“Wherever you want, sweetheart.” Cupping her cheek, Daniel kissed her. Slow, so hot, so…perfect. He caught a tear with his thumb, then whispered, “Wherever you want.”

The End