She ate it but shook her head when he offered a bite of mango. After finishing her coffee, she said, “Are we ready to do this thing?”
“More than,” Daniel muttered. “This is bullshit.”
Silently, she agreed, but his comment made her wonder. Daniel was wonderful, but she couldn’t help feeling like her family drama was too much. Would he bail after seeing their shitstorm of a relationship?
Unwilling to think about losing him so quickly, she pressed her lips together and let him take her hand. She could handle herself and had been doing it for years. If he decided to peace out, she’d deal.
Deciding to get it over with, she quickened her pace and strode outside. Her parents, dressed in their Sunday best, waited with Bethany, who wore a modest white blouse, a pale blue skirthemmed below her knees, and tan ballet flats. She looked like a kindergarten teacher.
Next to them, stood a man she knew well. She gave Walt Thompson a warm smile but before she could greet him, Bethany said, “There she is! Officer, I want to press charges for assault.”
Ignoring her sister, Sadie extended her hand to shake his. “Hey, Walt. You still liking your new bathroom?”
“Love it, Sadie.” He gripped her hand firmly and pumped it a few times before letting go. “Care to tell me what’s going on here?”
“Officer Thompson,” her mother said, “we’re sorry to bring you all the way out here, but Sadie?—”
“Excuse me.” Walt held up a hand and shook his head. “I’ve heard Bethany’s somewhat implausible complaint already, and you are not involved. I’d like to hear Sadie’s version of events.”
“You got this, baby,” Daniel whispered before taking a step back.
Fuck. Encouragement at the same time he let her handle her own shit. Where the hell did he even come from?
After sending a wordless prayer skyward, she took a deep breath. Focusing on Walt, she said, “Three days ago, I initiated the eviction process against Bethany Windham for nonpayment of rent. Last night, she found me here and threatened me if I didn’t cancel the eviction.”
“She…” Walt paused and cocked his head as a faint smile twitched his lips upward. “She threatened you?”
“Well, she tried,” Sadie corrected. “It didn’t work.”
She heard chuckles from the Horsemen as Daniel burst out laughing.
“Sadie, this has gone on long enough,” her father blustered, glaring at the men behind her. “I know you and Bethany had a few childhood spats, but she’s your sister.”
Daniel growled, the sound coming from deep in his chest. A shiver worked its way down her spine as her core pulsed with desire.
Dayum. The male growl was supposed to be a paranormal romance thing but fuck if it didn’t push her buttons—especially when her father blanched and shut his stupid mouth.
“I’ve also pulled the security footage.” Sean passed Walt an open laptop. “Ms. Windham attempted to run Sadie down in our parking lot. She also touched Lieutenant Palmer against his wishes, which I assume is the assault she mentioned.”
“Lieutenant Palmer?”
“Here,” Daniel said. “Bethany did touch me without my permission.”
“All right.” Walt held out his hand for Daniel to shake. “First, thank you for your service.”
When Daniel nodded, Walt continued, “Do you have anything to add?”
“Yes, sir.” Daniel folded his hands behind his back and straightened his shoulders. “But first, I have a question for Bethany.”
“Oh, really?” Bethany purred as she sauntered closer. “Are you ready to ditch the loser?”
For a split second, Sadie’s old insecurities flared, and she wanted to walk away. There was no point in standing up for herself. Nobody ever listened, and Daniel wouldn’t be any different.
Pulling herself together, she shoved those thoughts out of her head. Daniel wasn’t like that. Even if he decided she was too much work, he wouldn’t end up with Bethany.
“Actually, I was wondering about your manicure,” he said softly. Taking Bethany’s hand, he lifted it to his lips, his gaze never leaving hers. “You must be an artist.”
“Oh, well, I dabble sometimes.” Bethany fluttered her eyelashes, making Sadie roll her eyes. “I have so many interests.”