“Should I be insulted that you’re laughing at me?” He glanced down at the deliciously huge bulge in his jeans, then sat back on his heels and crossed his arms.
“Definitely not laughing at you, Daddy Bear.” She stretched, and hoping for a little friction on her needy clit, lifted her hips again. Unfortunately, he kept himself just out of reach. “I was wondering something.”
“If I’m bad and good at the same time, does that mean you’ll spank me while you eat my pussy?”
Chapter Nine
“Schrodinger’s babygirl?”
Sadie snickered, her brown eyes twinkling. “I didn’t know you were a math nerd.”
“Takes one to know one, but that’s an excellent idea.” He wasn’t surprised that she got his lame joke. Without waiting for her to reply, he flipped her to her stomach and swatted her sweetly curved bottom before positioning her on her hands and knees.
She moaned softly and arched her back, letting him see glistening moisture seeping from her channel. His mouth watering, he stripped and tossed his clothes into a messy heap on the floor, then laid on his back with his head between her spread thighs.
He spanked her hard, then a second and third time until she cried out and lowered herself to his mouth. She smelled like honey and salt, mixed with something floral that made his head spin.
“Very good girl.” He drew circles around her clit with his tongue as he delivered several more spanks to her bottom.
“God!” She lifted herself up to her elbows and ground her core against his face. “Yes, Daddy!”
Smirking inwardly, he sucked her clit into his mouth and pushed a finger into her channel, curling it to tease her g-spot, making her scream his name as her muscular inner walls clamped down hard.
“Ah, ah.” Reminding himself not to get carried away with the spanks, he slid out from under her before slapping her reddened ass one last time. “Bad girls don’t get to come until Daddy says so.”
Pouting, she stuck her tongue out at him. “Then Daddy needs to say so.”
“Naughty.” He rolled to his back and tugged her close, helping her straddle him. Her wet core brushed against his cock, making him hiss out a breath. “What do good girls say when they want Daddy to let them come?”
“Please get a condom, Daddy?” She reached for the box of protection, then tore it open. “No, wait. Please get a condom before I start making Pi Day jokes.”
Pressing his lips together, he held his laughter inside. Sadie was gorgeous, kind, smart, and one of the most generous people he’d ever met. Her sense of humor was just a bonus for a woman he was pretty sure was already perfect.
“Threatening your Daddy deserves another spanking. Try again.”
Her eyes darkened to whiskey brown, and she lowered herself to brush kisses along his jaw. “Make love to me, Daddy. Please.”
He shivered under her touch and stroked her back, letting his fingers dance along the knobs of her spine. “There’s my good girl. That was a perfect ask, baby.”
“Thank you.” She kissed a scorching path down his chest, humming in pleasure as she tongued his nipples. “You didn’t answer me. Will you make love to me, Daddy?”
“Put—” He cleared his throat of the gravel making him hoarse with need. “Put the condom on me. Make me like it.”
“I thought you’d never ask.” Still straddling him, she sat up and wriggled down his body until her face was level with his throbbing erection. Slowly, she took him into her mouth and swirled her tongue around the head of his cock. “And god, I love how you taste.”
Fuck. He clenched his teeth and tried to keep himself still as she sucked him deep. Her cheeks hollowed as she met his gaze and slowly worked her way up and down his shaft. He didn’t even mind her topping him. After all, he’d asked for it, and watching her play gave him a chance to see what she liked.
Best of all, he had plenty of ideas for their next time. A good Daddy paid attention to his babygirl. She would definitely be getting more edging.
“Condom, baby,” he finally managed to say.
“You said to make you like it.” She gave the crown of his dick one last, loving lick and tore the condom wrapper open with her teeth.
“Malicious compliance?” He wrapped her braid around his fist and tugged gently, wishing he’d taken the time to unbraid her silky hair.