“Great.” He rubbed his forehead to ease a burgeoning headache. “I’ll take suggestions if you’re offering.”
“I can’t help you with a contractor, but…” Sean paused, and Daniel heard Mark shouting something in the background. “You know what? If you could see your way clear to help ourother brat get rid of the meth lab in what’s supposed to be the succulent garden, you’ll have an excuse to watch Sadie yourself.”
“Other brat?”
“Jolene Miller, our landscape architect. But don’t worry about it. Our old CO, Zach Stratton, will be dealing with her. He’s also going to be helping us get the dungeon ready.”
“I think if I get Sadie anywhere near a dungeon, she won’t sit down for at least a week,” Daniel muttered. “She definitely needs a Daddy to spank her.”
“Good luck getting her to consent.” Sean chuckled, then added, “I suggest telling her about your worries, but don’t make it look like you’re ordering her around. She’s stubborn, but she’s not stupid.”
“That’s the truth. On both counts.”
Sean laughed, then said, “I’d say our sweet little construction and renovation brat needs a Daddy who can either help with her job or at the very least, stay out of her way.”
“Not sure I can do that.”
“Sure you can. You can guard her without arguing over her business decisions. If you’re determined to be her Daddy, be the one she needs.”
Sean made several good points, but Daniel still didn’t know if Sadie was even interested in a partner, much less a Daddy. Instead of taking the time to get to know her, he shot off his mouth and fired her over something stupid.
Why shouldn’t she have cleaned up the mess? She’d been wearing gloves and disposed of it in a safe manner, proving she wouldn’t ask her staff to do something she wasn’t willing to do herself.
As much as he hated seeing her put herself at risk, he owed her an apology, but he wouldn’t ask her to come back until they figured out who targeted her.
“Sounds like you’re speaking with the voice of experience,” he replied. “I didn’t know you were seeing anyone.”
“Not really. I already have a bitch taking up all my time and money.”
“I’m assuming you’re not letting her hear you call her that, but congratulations.”
“She’s an almost condemned motel with wiring issues. I call her names several times a day.” Sean chuckled wryly. “Someday, I’ll find a babygirl, and she’ll have zero drama, no angst, and absolutely no assholes dogging her footsteps.”
“I’m definitely down for no drama,” Daniel replied.
“Always. Anyway, come to the Club. We’ll just tell Sadie you’re helping out some old friends, and you’ll have an excuse to keep an eye on her.”
A wicked smirk curved his lips as a police cruiser pulled into his driveway. “I’ll be there after I talk to the cops.”
“I do not need some jerk mansplaining how to use a damned chainsaw. Go away.” Jolene hurried past the suite she was working on, followed by a tall, silver fox of a man with blue eyes and a seriously banging six-pack under a formfitting black T-shirt.
Shit. Did the old motel have something in the water, or what? She had a hard time believing the sheer abundance of eye candy presented by the Horsemen, and the man following Jolene was no exception.
Sadie kept her head down and carefully spread a layer of leveling compound on the bathroom floor in the suite closest to the lobby. Thankfully, she’d gotten rid of her own stupidly gorgeous man, assuming he paid his bill on time.
Although she kept telling herself she was being a softhearted idiot, she hoped Daniel could find someone to take care of the last few details in his house. She absolutely hated leaving a job unfinished, but wasn’t about to work for someone who would fire her because she wouldn’t let someone else clean up a pile of poop.
He had a point about whoever had vandalized his house returning though. She and her crew were tough, had self-defense training, and could hold their own in most bar fights, but Sadie didn’t delude herself into thinking they’d be safe against a man determined to hurt them, especially if he was armed.
And that was untenable. She was responsible for the well-being of every last person on her team.
“Should we help Jolene? She looks pissed,” Jasmine said, handing her the piece of wood she was using to smooth what would soon be a level floor, instead of one with a low spot where the sink used to be.
“She can more than take care of herself,” Sadie replied. “Remember the time we went to that dive bar in Holbrook?”
Jasmine giggled and carefully laid a level on the piece of wood, ensuring the floor was true. “Have a feeling the trucker who kept hassling her is still pissing himself when he sees a redhead.”