He knew the words were a mistake the minute they left his mouth, but Sadie shrugged and locked her supply trailer, leaving the shovel and trash bag where they were. She didn’t even look at him.
Fuck. He just wanted her to be safe. Someone, probably Jim the asshole, obviously had it out for her, and without any significant security, she had a target on her back. It about killed him, but he’d rather have her off the property than at risk.
“Sadie, wait a minute. We can talk this over.”
“I don’t work for you, remember?” She sauntered toward an arriving vehicle and motioned for the driver to lower the window. “Hey, Jasmine. You and Lourdes can head out to The Majestic. We’re no longer working this project.”
The tension in his shoulders eased. She’d be safe with the Horsemen. Whoever had vandalized his house wouldn’t dare cross four retired Navy SEALS unless they had a death wish. Unfortunately, knowing that didn’t make him feel any better.
“But…” Jasmine scowled at the spray-painted slur. “Shouldn’t we clean this up?”
“Mr. Palmer has decided to go with another contractor for his renovation,” Sadie replied, her voice smooth and calm.
He winced, almost wishing she’d called him Lieutenant Dan again. He wished he had a do-over too, but it was too late for that.
What if she’d arrived early, while the vandals were doing their thing? What if she’d been alone? His stomach roiled, churning his morning coffee into acid.
She was tough as nails, smart, strong, and didn’t take anyone’s shit. She would probably refuse to admit it, but she was vulnerable.
“Who’s taking the project?” Lourdes asked. “Are you sure we?—”
“I don’t know, nor do I particularly care,” Sadie interrupted. “He’s a big boy, and it’s not our responsibility to hold his hand while he makes stupid choices.”
“Okay, boss. We’ll let him win the stupid prizes.” Jasmine shot him a disgusted look, obviously sensing Sadie’s animosity. “Do you need help with the supply trailer?”
“No, thanks. It’s still loaded from last night. I’ll be right behind you after I text Beatriz to let her know about the schedule change.”
Still ignoring him, she waited until Jasmine drove away, then climbed into her truck. After expertly backing it until the receiver ball was centered under the trailer tongue, she got out and hooked up before boosting herself into the driver’s seat.
Instead of leaving, she opened a laptop positioned on the passenger seat. A scant few moments later, she tugged a sheet of paper from a tiny wireless printer and passed it through thewindow to him. “I’m billing you for time and materials for the work we’ve completed. The terms are at the bottom.”
She held up a callused hand and shook her head. “This concludes our business, Mr. Palmer. Best of luck to you.”
Knowing she wouldn’t listen to him, he fumed as she got into her vehicle and drove away.
He glared at the ugly paint on his wall, then yanked his phone from his pocket and called Sean back. Thankfully, his old friend answered.
“Hey, Daniel,” Sean said, “The cameras you wanted will be delivered late this afternoon. I?—”
“I fired Sadie. She’s on her way to The Majestic.”
“Our new sign just came, so it’s officially Club Apocalypse now, but what the fuck?”
“The vandalism was directed at her,” Daniel replied. “I fired her because the stubborn brat refused to leave on her own and insisted on working.”
“Let me guess. You laid down the law, and she didn’t take it well.”
“That’s putting it mildly,” Daniel muttered. “So, I need to find a new contractor or figure out how to do the rest of the work myself, and I need you and the Horsemen to watch her.”
“We can watch her, but good luck finding a contractor. Assuming you find one who can start in the next three months, they won’t be as good as she is.”