Page 21 of Daddy, Sir

Sticking out her tongue, she licked the wide head of his cock. Tasting a small drop of his essence, Tatiana hummed her appreciation. His answering groan encouraged her. Swirling around the edges of his shaft, she wrapped a hand around his thigh and pulled him forward so his tip entered her mouth.

Jack reached down to cup her cheek. “Squeeze my leg if I’m too much.”

“Mmmm, hmmm.” She hummed her agreement.

“That hum is going to make me lose my mind,” he growled and pressed further into her mouth.

She swallowed, and he slid in further.

“You’re going to need a naughty corner, little girl. Your mouth is heaven, Tati.”

Slowly, he entered her mouth and glided out with her tongue, drawing squiggles on his thickness. He controlled the movement, never going too deep to panic or cause her discomfort. His breathing quickened as she discovered what he liked.

She lifted her hand from his thigh to cup his balls. Cradling them in her hand, Tati tugged them down. As if that was the last challenge to his self-control, Jack’s hips lunged forward, pressing deep into her mouth. Tati swallowed, squeezing him with her tongue and throat.

With a roar, Jack pulled himself out of the heated wetness of her mouth and emptied himself over her body. “Mine!” His hands spread the wetness over her skin as if he was marking her as his. His touch felt exquisite over her skin.

She could feel his hands trembling slightly as he lifted her into his arms carefully. Jack turned and sat on the edge of thebed, rocking her slightly as he tried to recover. Tatiana smiled against his chest when he whispered, “Whenever you want to experiment, I’m available, temptress.”

“I’m full of ideas,” she whispered bravely.

“I can’t wait. Damn, Tati. I’m never letting you go.”

“I’m good with that.”

Chapter Ten

They were in the middle of a grocery store run when her phone rang. Tati lifted her hand from the side of the cart her Daddy now required she hold on to after she’d rolled three aisles away on her knee scooter while he had searched for the perfect oranges. Who else knew the best ones were heavy with a slightly flat top and bottom and a shiny peel?

She saw the name of her apartment complex and accepted the call. “Hello?”

“Tatiana? This is Jill in the office. Are you in your apartment?”

“No. I’m staying with—with a friend,” she stammered. “Is something wrong?”

“There’s a guy messing around your car. I’ll call the police.”

Instantly frightened to her core, Tatiana held herself together to answer. “Wait. Let me check with Jack.”

She muted her phone and looked up at Jack. “There’s someone messing with my car. Did you arrange anything by chance?”

“No. Have them call the police.”

“Hi, Jill. We don’t know why someone would be working on my car. Can you call the police?”

“On it. Check in at the office when you get here,” Jill told her and ended the call.

Tatiana didn’t want to go there. She forced herself to look up at Jack. “He’s found me.”

“Who, sweetheart?”

“My ex. He won’t believe that I don’t love him.”

“Let’s go convince him.” Jack grabbed the handlebar on her knee walker and pushed the cart to the produce manager standing close to them. “Keep going toward the door. I’ll catch up with you, Tati.”

Immediately, she followed his instructions and rolled toward the exit.

She heard Jack say, “We have an emergency. Can I leave this with you?”