Leaning back against her headboard with her fourth whiskey of the evening, she picked up her phone, hoping to distract herself with social media. Which worked for approximately thirty seconds before curiosity got the better of her and she went hunting to see if she could find Holden’s accounts.
It took longer than it should have, thanks to the fuzziness in her head from the liquor. But she finally managed to find exactly one account with the bare minimum available to the public.
Fucking security guys.
A little more poking did reveal some pictures his friends had tagged him in. Old pictures. From his Marine Corps days.
Holden in uniform wasnothelping her horny-as-fuck situation.
And a little more poking got her the name and address of his security firm. Well, addresses, plural, seeing as how they had satellite offices in New York, Atlanta, and Boston as well as the main headquarters in Charleston.
When he’d said he did well for himself, he’d obviously been downplaying his accomplishments. After years of moving in circles where wealth and success were the only benchmarks of aperson’s worth, it was a breath of fresh air to be with someone whose financial success wasn’t his main personality trait.
But the most interesting thing, at least for her purposes, was the location of his Charleston office. Not only did she know exactly where that address was, it would take her less than ten minutes to get there.
Tossing the phone on the bed, she stumbled over to her closet, scanning her options for the skimpiest, sexiest dress she owned.
Time to pay Daddy a visit at the office.
What a fucking mess.
Three days ago, one of his safe houses had been breached. Thankfully they’d gotten the target moved without any harm befalling them, but he’d spent three days combing through every inch of his company looking for a leak.
There wasn’t one, thank fuck. But what he’d found instead was a pattern of sloppiness with one of his guards he’d somehow overlooked. Said guard had already been read the riot act and put on probation, which meant he’d be doing grunt work around the office until Holden either decided to fire him or he’d proven he could be trusted back in the field.
He was currently leaning toward the former over the latter. But he’d always been a big believer in second chances, no matter how big the fuck-up.
After all, he’d gotten a second chance he sure as hell didn’t deserve. Both in life and with Frankie.
Fuck, he missed her. When she’d begged so prettily on the phone last night, asking Daddy to please,pleaselet her come, that she’d do anything, he’d almost caved. It had been far too tempting to lock his own office door, put her on video chat, and relieve his own needs while he watched his pretty babygirl play with herself.
In the end, he’d wanted the real thing more than just a video, so he’d denied her. And himself.
Hard to tell which of them was more pissed at him about it, honestly.
His desk phone rang, jolting him out of his daydreams about how he’d make it up to her. Starting with as many orgasms as she could take, and then a few more, before he finally fucked her, nice and slow, to one final, earth-shattering peak.
Glancing over at the phone, he frowned when he saw the extension for the security desk down in the lobby. It was nearly eleven on a Friday, which meant the building should have been cleared out other than the night guards, and they shouldn’t have any visitors.
Something was up. He hadn’t survived multiple tours overseas and years building a security firm from the ground up without being able to sense when something wasn’t quite right. Nerves on high alert, he picked up the phone. “What’s up?”
“Hey, boss. Sorry to bug you so late, but there’s a young lady down here in the lobby asking about you.” Anderson let out a chuckle. “Actually, demanding to see you is more accurate. She’s rather belligerent about it.”
“Is this young lady about five-foot-nothing with bright-red hair?”
“Yeah. She yours?”
“She is. Tell her I’ll be down in a second and I said she owes you an apology.”
“Ah… if it’s all the same, sir, I’ll let you give her the second part of that message yourself.”
It was Holden’s turn to laugh. “Fair enough. Be down in a second.”
Excitement pumped through his veins as he returned the handset to the cradle and rose from his chair, making his way out to the bank of elevators outside his office. He’d hoped to get done much earlier than he had tonight so he could talk Frankie into a late dinner before tying her to his bed to fuck them both brainless.