Danger! Danger! Danger!
Alarm bells rang in her head, far too late. She was already over this giant’s knee, her ass bare, and she knew damn well she couldn’t fight him off if she tried.
Red! Say Red!
That was supposed to stop him. He’d said he would honor her safeword if she used it.
But she didn’t want to use it.
Some part of her, a part her feminist side was currently recoiling in horror from,likedfeeling so small. So helpless.
And then the pain came.
Exploding across her backside, hundreds of little needles stabbing her skin as his huge, hard hand slammed against her ass. “Holy fuck, that hurt! Holden, it’s too hard!”
“What are you supposed to call me, Francesca?”
Daddy.Maybe if she called him Daddy, he’d stop spanking her and fuck her instead.
But the same part of her that was enjoying the trapped, helpless feeling wasn’t quite ready to give in. “Let me go, you big oaf!”
“If you want this to stop, you know how to make it stop. Until then, you are going to get the spanking you’ve earned, little siren.”
Another hard swat landed, and she couldn’t quite stop herself from crying out at the pain. “Ow! That really fucking hurts!”
“At the risk of sounding cliche”—he spanked her again, and she howled at the fresh wave of pain radiating across her ass—“spankings are meant to hurt.”
Over and over he swatted her, and no matter how hard she fought or kicked or wiggled, his hold on her never budged. And with every swat, the heat in her backside grew hotter and hotter.
Until, finally, she collapsed over his lap, too exhausted to fight him any longer. “Okay, okay, you win! I’ll be good!Ow!I said I’d be good, you sonofa?—”
“Finish that sentence and you’ll be choking on my cock after I welt your bottom with my belt, little girl.”
“Ugh. Fine. But you didn’t have to hit me again! I gave in!”
Cupping her bottom with his large hand, he squeezed, and a whine slipped from her lips at the renewed pain. “Just making sure the lesson sinks in.” His chest vibrated with his low, wicked laughter. “Now, what are you going to call me from this point on, Francesca?”
“I’ll call you the freaking pope if you want me to!”
The warning was clear in his tone, and for once, she heeded it. “Daddy. I’ll call you Daddy!”
“Good girl.”
Oh, man. She really,reallyshould not like that. It was cliched and ridiculous. But her pussy spasmed at his praise all the same.
And then spasmed again when he slid his hand down between her thighs, shoving her thong to one side and filling her with one thick finger.
“Come for me, little siren. Come for Daddy.”
Like she had a fucking choice? Pleasure was already coiling inside her, and it only took a few strokes of his finger inside her for it to snap. She came, bucking over his knee as she screamed out her release.
“Such a responsive little thing, aren’t you?” His tone was a mixture of pride and awe that had her pussy spasming around his fingers again as he continued stroking her, drawing her pleasure out. “That was fucking beautiful, baby. And you’re going to do it again, but this time while you ride my face.”
“Deal,” she agreed with a breathless laugh as she scrambled up off his lap. Despite the burning in her ass and the fact that he’d just given her a pretty spectacular orgasm, she was more than ready for whatever else he wanted to throw at her.
So she stripped down to nothing while he settled on the bed, watching her with a hungry gaze that promised exactly what he’d told her in the car. That he was going to devour her.