Page 164 of Daddy, Sir

Claim Me, Daddy

Stella Moore

“You’ve been such a good girl for me, Francesca. I want you to know that.”


“Because you’re not going to feel like a good girl by the time I’m done with you.”

From the moment his gaze meets mine across the crowded dance floor, I know I should run. Everything about the giant silver fox, from his size to the way his very gaze seems to lay claim to my body, screams danger.

But Legares don’t run.

Now I’m completely at his mercy. Learning exactly what it means to be Daddy’s naughty little girl as I beg him for pleasure. Beg him for more of that exquisite pain.

Beg him toClaim Me, Daddy.

Chapter One


This place is a fucking nightmare.

Loud music, flashing lights, too many damn people. Way too many. If the fire marshal showed up they’d be shut down in five seconds flat.

Not to mention the number of entrance points. More than his men could cover for the job they’d been hired to do. Which meant his pretty-boy, self-important client would need to find a different venue for his birthday party.

What a shame.

Pulling his phone from his pocket, he shot off a message to Falcon, his second in command.


Club’s a No-Go. Heading out.


Told you.

With a roll of his eyes for his right hand’s snark, Holden shoved the phone back in his pocket and headed for the back exit. Being the closest thing to a giant most people had seen didn’t always work in his favor, especially when he was trying to blend in. But when he moved through a crowd, people tended to take one look at him and get the hell out of his way, and luckily for everyone involved the crowd tonight was no exception.

He was just a few feet from freedom when he heard it. A loud, chiming laugh, loud enough to be heard over the blare of the music and the conversation around him.

Something about that laugh froze him in his tracks. And when he turned, searching for the source, his heart slammed to a stop in his chest.

Hair as red as fire was pulled up in a high ponytail, the wild curls exploding around a perfectly heart-shaped face. Everything about her, from the hair to that face he was certain had been sculpted by a very generous angel to the slender curves barely concealed beneath the glittering green of her dress was designed to draw a man in. To capture his attention, at the expense of the world around him.

A siren come to life, and had he been on a ship he would have already been well on his way to a watery grave.

As it was, he was halfway across the room, heading straight toward her before he even realized he’d moved. His siren looked up, dark eyes meeting his in the flashing lights, and a grin stretched across her face as she leaned in to say something to the blonde next to her.

The blonde’s head whipped around, her eyes going wide when they latched onto him.Holy shit.

He wasn’t close enough to hear her, but he could see her mouth forming the words plain as day. Just as he could see and hear his siren’s laugh as she threw her head back again, her carefree joy piercing the air around them.

“Hey there, handsome,” she greeted him with that wide, mischievous grin as soon as he was in hearing distance. Which, in this particular club, meant practically standing on top of her. “Wanna dance?”

He didn’t. What hewanted, was to carry her off somewhere and have his way with her. Ravage her until she came screaming his name.