Page 156 of Daddy, Sir

I just leaned forward a little and put my hand near hers until they were close enough to touch, but didn't.

“I’m attracted to you, Lola. And intrigued by you, and interested in you. Always have been, but I had my own shitto work out back then.” I lifted my pinky and brushed it ever so lightly against hers. She didn't draw back “I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'd like to have—someday, when you’re ready, and assuming you feel the same, because it's a moot point if you don't—a relationship with you. And if we were ever in a relationship, then sex would be a part of that.”

Her eyes widened as she blinked rapidly. Her pouty mouth fell open. For a moment I froze, because I'd laid it all out there and had no idea how she felt. Then I remembered this wasn't about me, my feelings, or my ego. I couldn't make it be about me without undermining the reason we were really here.

As her Daddy for the month, with only a week left, it was my job to put her feelings first and reassure her always.

“You don't have to feel the same,” I assured her gruffly.

“It’s not that I don't—” she protested weakly.

I cut her off. “It's fine. You don't owe me anything. I told you that's not what this was about, and I meant it.” My words came out harsher than I intended and didn't sound reassuring at all.

“Zeke.” Her voice was soft, timid.

I felt like an ass, and stood to gather our plates from the table, needing just a moment to myself before I could go full Daddy mode again.

“Zeke!” She spoke louder, more insistently this time, and when I opened my mouth to brush her off, she grabbed my hand.

“Zeke, look at me.”

I turned and swung my gaze to hers, ready to convince her that it was okay, that I wasn't a fragile man-child whose ego couldn't take rejection, that I wasn't going to take it out on her or sever our contract, but what I saw in her eyes, on her face, didn't look like rejection. It looked like… hope.

Dishes still in hand, I dropped into my chair and gave her my full attention.

“I’m not… saying I'm not interested. I’m very flattered, and pleasantly shocked, and yes, also interested. But I don't know what a relationship is supposed to look like, or when it will be healthy for me to get into one. I was supposed to commit to celibacy for a year, and the year just ended. And it wasn't as bad or as hard as I thought. I kind of liked it, so I haven't been in some big rush to end it or to jump into a relationship. I don't know how, if I'm being honest. It feels like something I should talk to my therapist about, and I haven't yet.”

Her frank confession did a lot for my battered ego, and I set the dishes down and grabbed her hand when she offered it. “Talk to your therapist,” I told her. “Whenever you're ready. I'm a patient man and I'm willing to wait. And if it would help, I'd be willing to see her with you so we can both learn the healthiest way to go about exploring a relationship together.”

Her jaw dropped open and her eyes suddenly looked a little wet. “You’d… you’d do that? Really?”

“Of course, darlin’. I'm no stranger to therapy, and I would never want to harm you or unwittingly undo all or any of the progress you've made.”

“Wow. I…uh… that’s…” Lola trailed off, licking her lips. “That means a lot. Thank you.”

“Of course, darlin’. I mean it. No pressure. As for this arrangement we have currently, nothing changes. I just needed to put everything on the table so you understood my motives, and knew this wasn't just a one-sided agreement.

She nodded. “I understand. Thank you.”

The talk had gone better than I expected, especially at the end, but still, an awkward silence fell between us.

She seemed to need a moment, and I did too, so I once again grabbed the dishes and headed for the kitchen. This time I made it.

Once in there, I quickly loaded and started the dishwasher and gave myself a few minutes to get my emotions under control, to just be Zeke, the retired military man/club bouncer who was in love with a woman who didn't know it yet.

Then I put my Daddy face on and went to find Lola.

Chapter Six


All day every day, Zeke ran our arrangement like a drill instructor who expected fast and unquestioning obedience. But at dinner and after, he always softened. He’d cook nice meals, and always find little ways to pamper me. He still expected compliance, but the drill instructor seemed to fall away when the sun went down.

Today had been no different, though it had been unexpected. I was still sitting at the table reeling from our discussion when he came back, walked straight up to me and put out his hand. When I took it, instead of leading me into the living room like he usually would, he stole the chair I’d been sitting in, turned it away from the table and plopped down, pulling me between his knees.

“Oh!” I gasped before I could stop myself. Then my eyes narrowed because I knew this dance well.

He chuckled. “That’s right, babygirl. You've earned yourself a spanking.”