She swallows hard. “Yes, Sir.”
“Good girl. Put your panties in the drawer. I’ll pick out what you may have from what you’ve packed. The rest will go back into one suitcase in my closet for now.”
My heart clenches as I watch my babygirl shuffle toward the dresser. She’s mine. I’m confident that in one week, she will be able to admit that, and the thongs and sexy lace will never see the light of day again.
Naomi should be dressed in cotton panties that suit her Little. She’ll need some more adult items when we leave thehouse, but not much. I’ll choose what she wears. Hell, I’ll select and buy her clothes from now on.
It’s possible that she won’t crave a twenty-four-seven arrangement, but I’m thinking the chances of that are slim to none. Naomi oozes Little vibes. Her mannerisms, her expressions, the way she bites her bottom lip, the way she stands, her gait when she walks, the way she rocks on her feet. She’s so very Little. She just hasn’t had a chance to let herself fully out to explore.
It only takes me about ten minutes to go through her clothes. I’m not surprised that half of what she brought is Little anyway, so I let her put those things in the drawers. The slinky, grownup dresses go back in the suitcase for now. All of the pants and jeans go back in. I won’t let her wear pants ever. Occasionally, leggings can go under her dresses when it’s cold, but the jeans are out.
When I get to her bras, I go through them just to know what she owns. Two are simple and practical. Four are lacy and in a variety of colors. I can tell some were purchased for specific dresses I left in the suitcase.
I enjoy watching her squirm as I finger every one of them, flipping them around and even looking closely at the sizes before I put them all into the “no” suitcase without a word.
When I glance at her out of the corner of my eye, I find her mouth hanging open, her cheeks red, and her body swaying forward and backward. I can tell she isn’t even wearing a bra now. She came here on the plane without one. They aren’t a priority to her. Her breasts are high and perky. They’re just a handful. Hopefully, someday, I will get to wrap my palms around them. In the meantime, I’ll enjoy seeing her nipples poke through the material of her shirts and dresses.
I love the variety of cute shoes she brought, and I hand most of them to her to put in the closet—flats, Mary Janes, and sneakers. The heels go in the “no” suitcase.
The zipped side of her second suitcase is where I find a stuffed teddy bear and a doll. I pull both out and settle them against the pillows on her bed. My chest is tight as I fully realize my babygirl is absolutely Little. Any shred of doubt is gone.
The last item is her toiletry bag. I pick it up and set it aside before closing the two suitcases and moving them to the floor. “Let’s put the rest in the bathroom.”
She steps forward. “I can do it.”
I ignore her and head down the hallway toward the guest bathroom.
She rushes along behind me. “Sir… I can do that part.”
I set the bag on the counter and reach for the zipper. “What are you so distressed about, babygirl? Do you think I’ve never seen tampons or razors before?”
Her face is bright red. “I’m sure you don’t want to see those things.” She sets her hands on me and tries to push me out of the bathroom as though she could make me budge a single inch. I outweigh her significantly; I’m nearly a foot taller, and I work out every day. I’m solid. She’s a waif of a girl.
I chuckle as I unzip her toiletry bag and spread it wide. That’s when I realize what all the fuss is about. It takes me half a second to spot the bright pink silicone vibrator. It’s not a tiny little thing. It’s an elaborate rechargeable vibrator with a section that is inserted into the vagina and another piece that nestles against a woman’s clit.
I pick it up, knowing she’s beyond embarrassed.
She covers her face with one hand and tried to snag it away from me with the other. “Dagger…”
I yank it out of her reach and proceed to tease her more because she’s so fucking cute, all flustered. “I don’t know why you’re embarrassed. I’d be surprised if you didn’t own a vibrator. This is a really nice one.” I hold it up to unnecessarily examine itfurther. “Looks like it would do the job pretty quickly. It vibrates against the G-spot and clit at the same time.”
“Dagger!” she shouts. “Stop it!” Her voice is high-pitched, but she’s not seriously angry. She’s kind of enjoying this banter.
I realize she likes a bit of embarrassment. Good to know. “How often do you use this, babygirl?”
She shakes her head. “I’m not telling you that.” She reaches again. “Give it to me.”
“How long does it take for you to come with this? I bet it’s pretty powerful.” I turn it on and then play with the settings. It truly is impressive. My cock is fucking hard, too. I can’t keep from picturing my babygirl holding this inside her pussy while she moans. I wonder how loud she is when she comes.
She stomps her foot, fists her hands at her sides, and pushes her bottom lip out in the Littlest pout I’ve ever seen. She looks like I just told her she can’t have cookies for dinner. I wonder what she’s going to look like when I lay down my next rule.
There’s a high shelf above the vanity, and I reach up to set the vibrator on top while I empty the rest of her toiletries, putting everything in drawers or on the ledge of the bathtub. When I’m done, I grab the vibrator, return it to the bag, and zip it up.
Naomi holds out a hand. “Are you done? Can I have that now?”
“I’m done, but you can’t have it.”