Page 12 of Daddy, Sir

In a jiffy, the captain positioned her by the toilet, hiked up her skirt, and pulled down her panties. Tatiana collapsed to the toilet. She heard the door close quietly.How can he be so nice through all this?

When she finished, Tatiana grabbed the vanity again and stood. Braced against the sturdy structure, she worked her panties up her thighs and approximately into place. In a flash, she pushed her skirt down and flushed the toilet.

She washed her hands and called, “I’m all done.”

The door immediately opened. The captain noted her wet hands and grabbed a thin towel from the shower rail a distance away.

“Thanks.” Tatiana’s energy had almost run out. She knew she was drooping.

“Let’s go home, little girl. You need a nap and dinner.”

“Oh! I didn’t think. Don’t you need to go back to work?”

“No. I’m taking care of a work-place injury.”

“This wasn’t your fault. Or the base’s. I’m just klutzy. Hopefully, they won’t fire me for missing an afternoon. I’ll stay late tomorrow.”

“Your job is secure, and you will not be working long hours. Are you steady here for a minute? I’ll grab Hugo and your purse.”

“Yes. I’m fine. Thank you.”

Soon, he had her settled back in the car with Hugo in her arms. Tatiana laid her head against the rear seatback in relief. Just trying to get to the toilet was impossible. Tomorrow would be better.

She could feel his gaze checking on her frequently. They hadn’t known each other for long, but Tatiana knew she was safer with him than anyone else. Letting her guard down, she said, “Thank you for helping me.”

“You’re welcome, Tati. We’ll take care of each other, okay? I know how much you do for me at work. You probably don’t know that having you in my office makes coming to work a joy.”

“That’s nice to say.”

“I’m seldom nice. I am, however, very protective of those I care about. Close your eyes, Tati. I’ll wake you up when we get home.”

“We’re here, little girl. I’m going to carry you in and tuck you in for a nap. Then I’ll bring in your things.”

She could barely keep her eyelids open. It was easier to let him take care of everything. Tatiana caught a few glimpses of the interior of his house. It was neat and seemed normal.

They entered a dark bedroom, and he set her down on the most comfortable bed ever. She sank into the thick padding on top. “Oh,” she moaned softly.

“Let’s elevate your foot like the doctor told us,” the captain told her.

In a jiffy, he had covered her with a soft blanket. “Go to sleep. I’ll wake you up for dinner in an hour or so.”

Chapter Seven

“Tati, time to wake up. You need to have some dinner so you can take your medicine.”

“No, Daddy. I’m going to stay right here,” she mumbled.

Her eyes flashed open when he slid his arms under her to scoop her up. Automatically, she wrapped her arms around his neck as he carefully carried her out of the room.

Even though she fought to wake up, Tatiana realized she needed to be pleasant. He was doing so much for her. She bit her lip to keep herself from complaining or protesting as she took deep breaths to clear her mind. Looking up at him, she studied his hard jawline. Was there anything soft on his body?

Stop that!She didn’t need to be thinking about that part of his anatomy right now.

When he sat her on the couch, the captain looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “What in the world are you thinking about?”

“I really wanted to sleep,” she blurted, unable to think of another excuse.

“I see.”